On many levels, I feel like I’ve been running like crazy since Saturday morning.

So Saturday I went to work, then drove up to Maine. Had dinner with my folks and went to my cousin’s wedding. Lovely ceremony and I had a great time. We didn’t get home until late. I’m kinda bummed I missed another gathering Fair Winds Lissa and Mike!

Next morning went walking with my Mom, then had a nice breakfast and headed back to Work in Mass. Then home in time for lunch. After that I was BEAT so I took a nap and watched Sunshine Cleaning on Netflix instant view with the Mrs. (rated it 4 stars! WATCH IT!). Then I went over to Casa Vector to pick up a lovely care package and do a brief visit. Then after dinner I put all the trash on the curb and went to bed.

This morning I took the day off, and the wife and I headed in early to Mass General Hospital for a follow-up appointment. The Surgeon said everything was looking good. We didn’t have the pathology report on the tissue removed as the staff was conferencing on the results today. The Doctor said the tissue might have characteristics of a “very low-grade tumor”, and he recommended the Mrs. meet with a neuro oncologist.

This freaked the Mrs. out…but it really shouldn’t have. For those curious the abnormality in the Mrs’ head hasn’t moved, grown, or changed in over 15 years, and certainly there isn’t any sign of any malignancy. Also the surgeon said the tissue didn’t look very dramatic when he removed it. This is all VERY good. We’re seeing the oncologist just because some minor risk factors might be present, so MRIs should be routinely taken just to make sure nothing bad is happening. An oncologist would be the best to do this.

Thankfully after some chatting the Mrs. agreed there was little to worry about, and felt well enough to go shopping.

That brings us up to now where I’ve been blogging for a few hours. Now my lawn needs mowing, and laundry needs to be done. So 3 day weekend, and it feels like a WEEK. Grahhhh!

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0 Responses to LOOOOONG Weekend

  1. Lissa says:

    Why thanks, Weer’d! (BTW I used your real name during a conversation that night. Everyone looked very confused until someone said “Oh – you mean WEER’D!!”)

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Heh, yeah that happens in lots of circles. Actually one of the Quiz questions for Portcon Extreme Geek was “What is Weer’d Beard’s Real Name”. Very few got it

      • Wally says:

        It is Mookie, and that stunt was inspired by your pants ?!

        Oh and welcome back to the drudgery ! Hope the Missus gets a clean sheet after the patho reports are back. Never hurts to monitor the condition – she has been monitoring it for years, so why not now esp when the issues and complications should be nil.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          You’ll be able to knock me over with a feather if she doesn’t. Damn hole in her brain hasn’t done jack or shit for 15+ years, I’d imagine it wasn’t doing much more when they popped it out.

          But I’m glad they’re being cautious, never hurts to keep an eye on the old mind-meat!

  2. bluesun says:

    Well, I’m channeling Red Green today, so I’ll say “Remember, I’m pulling for you; we’re all in this together.”

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