Depressing Quote of the Day

From Alan.

Of course, given the current property tax regime there’s a good case to be made that you’re just renting your house from the government anyway so as the landlord they have the right to come into the house any time they want. Don’t agree? Try not paying your property taxes and see who winds up with the house and who is on the street.

I wish that sonofabitch wasn’t right….but he is.


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0 Responses to Depressing Quote of the Day

  1. HerrBGone says:

    Well, actually if you are renting here in Marxistchusetts the landlord can only come in your house if there is an bona fide emergency in progress. Otherwise they need to give you 24 hours notice, get your permission and work out a schedule that is convenient for you, not for them. Now if your landlord happens to be the .gov then all bets are off since they seem to think we’re living in feudal times. And with that anti-property rights ruling at the SCOTUS a couple of years ago there are a lot of local .gov types that think they have the Kings writ to run roughshod over us lowly serfs.

    The Founders must be spinning in their graves that We the People have let things get to this point. As it is, I am open to suggestions as to exactly what to do about it…

    Captcha Code: “R2BU” Right to bear umbrellas? Good thing with this Seattle weather pattern!

  2. bluesun says:

    Howabout a moving camper on BLM land? Or a van down by the river?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I once lived in a drafty bat-infested barn that was slowly falling into the earth (there wasn’t a place you could set a marble in the whole rathole where it wouldn’t rapidly roll) Just outside of Bar Harbor Maine.

      Certainly glad I was living someplace else come winter….don’t think it even had heat, and it was mighty drafty!

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