
Check this out!

It won’t be long before the Media Matters Shill-Tag leads to nothing but pro-gun websites. Also looking at the sites that do show the tag it certainly looks like there is money exchanged, maybe not the the author directly, but something is bought, and something is sold.

Oh and:

This post is written as part of the Media Matters Gun Facts fellowship. The purpose of the fellowship is to further Media Matters’ mission to comprehensively monitor, analyze, and correct conservative misinformation in the U.S. media. Some of the worst misinformation occurs around the issue of guns, gun violence, and extremism, the fellowship program is designed to fight this misinformation with facts.

**Update**In attempts to be clever I might have exceeded the capability of “Let Me Google That For you”, so to achieve the same results just paste the above quote into a search bar and watch.

This entry was posted in Guns, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.

0 Responses to Hijack

  1. alcade says:

    Mockery seems to be the best way to deal with fools like these. Eventually the Emperor realizes his wardrobe faux pas.

  2. Chris in Texas says:

    Would there be any legal fallout from, say for example, every gunblogger out there adding that tag to every post, possibly kicking the various gunblogs to the top of the Google search results? Snowflakes in Hell is already #2 for the term “Media Matters Gun Facts Fellowship” You’re # 5.

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