Hey Check This Sh** Out!

Sean has a great post about panty-wetting Brits getting upset about a Machine Gun Range in Vegas advertising to Brits. Go read it. Such businesses are common. There’s a MG range in Hawaii that caters to Japanese citizens wanting to get a little sumpin’ they can’t get at home. And in Other nations there are similar economic situations. Growing up in Maine I knew 18,19, and 20 year old people who’d hop across the border to Canada where the drinking age is 18. (The business is even better as the US Boarder patrol would arrest any drunk teenagers as they attempted to cross back into the US, so not only would Canada get luscious US dollars for drinks, but also get money for hotel rooms where the young drinkers could sleep off their festivities.)

See also places like Amsterdam and Marijuana.

And of course there’s what Brits can get in Cambodia!

They’re not content to be nannies to their subjects on their own soil, but world-wide!

Anti-freedom, not anti-gun!

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0 Responses to Hey Check This Sh** Out!

  1. SGB says:

    Britain has gone to hell.

  2. We had a range like that here in Florida not far from Disney. My understanding is that it had been open for years with a very large number of Brits and Japanese travelers turning money into smoke and noise. Then the local government got involved because some… ahem… respectable businesses moved in next door and started complaining. It wasn’t long before the place was forced to close down.


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