Re-Run Re: Training

I’ve been reading all these posts on training. I’m sure you’ve read them too.

It reminded me of a post I wrote a few months ago on gun and ammo selection.

Really training isn’t any different. Just like the guy who carries a Glock 20 10mm with 5 20 round magazines isn’t BAD off, the guy with 30 diplomas from various gun schools, and shoots Master at both IDPA and IPSC, isn’t bad off either.

But there are lots of people who MAYBE took an NRA Basic Pistol class and runs a box through their gun every year who have successfully defended their life with it (and further survived all the legal pitfalls that sometimes befall justifiable self defense cases) And of course most people who holster up in the morning will go their entire life never having used it (this goes double when your state or area has a LOT of people who carry…Criminals prefer to work in New York or Chicago, vs. Otter Bend South Dakota Population: 30 people, and 300 sundry firearms)

So train however you feel best about. Training is good, but there is neither a ceiling nor a floor for what is too much or too little.

I will say one thing, be careful out there. Just because training is good, does NOT mean its good to go into credit card dept so you can attend the best training class in the world, or you feel the need to keep 10,000 rounds of quality defensive ammo for every gun you own. Also try not to get hurt, not only does an injury hinder your ability to defend yourself, but a limp or a neck brace might make the local predator think he has an easy meal.

So do what you want, and be safe out there!

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0 Responses to Re-Run Re: Training

  1. bluesun says:

    What? No drama llama? How DARE you.

  2. Greg Camp says:

    Jeff Cooper once told about a woman and man whose home was invaded by a gun-wielding thug. The invader ordered the man on the floor and was in process of tying him up when the wife grabbed the gun and shot the bad guy. Cooper’s comment was that marksmenship isn’t relevant when the muzzle is in contact with the target.

    Yes, training improves the odds, but the fundamental principle of self defense is a refusal to give up. If you shoot your gun dry, you still have a chunk of metal to use as a bludgeon. Fight till you win.

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