RINO Takes Evasive Action

I was called on Friday by a Scott Brown Campaign worker and I informed them that I’d be voting against Scott Brown because he has broken every campaign promise he made during the election, and as far as I can tell, he hasn’t made one vote that Martha Coakley wouldn’t have made as an ultra-leftwing political Hack.

I see his opponent Elisabeth Warren as no different, except that MAYBE once Scot Brown gets defeated after winning an election as a Tea Party Conservative, and serving as a “Progressive” RINO, maybe a REAL Pro-Liberty fiscal Conservative will run against this new Moonbat.

Frankly I think Brown wants to keep negative ads out of the campaign because it will keep people from hearing his RECORD on prime-time TV.

He’s a disgrace to the Senate seat, and a Disgrace to the Uniform of the US Army, and I’ll be happier when I never see him again.

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