Advice from One Mom to Another

Via Rockstar who is just plain awesome!

Repeat the following:

1. She’s safe
2. She’s fed
3. She’s clean
4. Nothing’s on fire

It’s really hard to retrain our brains to let go of all the other stuff that needs doing. However, you have to reprioritize – you and baby are on top. Everything else is on a completely different page.

Things that helped me and other ideas:
>Do something that makes you feel like yourself / more human. It can (and should!) feel indulgent – go for a walk, bake something, watch TV, get a pedicure, take a long shower, eat toast slathered with butter in bed, etc.
>Plan the next 5 minutes or hour, and try not to think beyond that. You’re in survival mode. Things change on a dime. Once you can accept that, it’s a more freeing.
>Pick the one thing that “needs to get done” that pisses you off more than all the others (dishes, laundry, floors, etc) and do it. Then say fuck it to the rest of the housework until tomorrow. Or next week.
>Stare at your baby. Get lost in her.
>Go onto shutterfly and look at sample XMas picture cards. Since you have a kid, you are now legally obligated to spend the next couple decades sending picture cards.
>Put on work clothes (if they fit decently enough).
>Sit at the table and eat a meal with your husband.
>When your Mom is here, have a mini date with your husband. Look at each other – you probably haven’t done that since She was born. You’re both so sleep deprived and emotional that you’ll probably either start crying, laughing, or both. But, get out of the house together, even if it’s just for 5 minutes.
>do a crossword puzzle
>do a puzzle
>research local Mommy movies
>have a cup of hot chocolate

You get the point 🙂

Tag this on to the great advice from Last Night’s Squirrel Report, and we’re now instant experts!

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