“Gun Death” Brass Knuckles

Now I hate the elevation of certain simple weapons to some horrible deadly weapon. Be this the Hollywood overplayed switchblade, the sap and blackjack impact weapons, or the stupidly simple brass knuckle:

Two California women have been arrested in the beating death of a 65-year-old man at a train station in Los Angeles two months ago.

Investigators said **REDACTED** approached the 65-year-old bystander and began arguing with him.

The verbal dispute quickly escalated and turned physical, with the 24-year-old **REDACTED** allegedly using brass knuckles to beat up the stranger without any provocation.

Now brass knuckles or knuckle dusters are illegal to carry in California, as well as many other states. Still acquisition of these items are stupidly easy, from buying them through the mail with the agreement that it will not be used as a weapon, or through places that sell “novelty paperweights” that just so happen to be shaped like the simple weapon.

Either way, it would be silly to blame the tool for this vicious murder. Still the peddlers of “Gun Death” want to do just that, but only for guns because guns are different…somehow.

H/T Bob

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