“Gun Death” Rock Climbing

A sad one:

A yoga instructor fell to his death while he climbed alone in Yosemite National Park on Saturday – just after his girlfriend had accepted his proposal.

…He added that he believes his son could have been tired after climbing Cathedral Peak and then running to the Crest.

The guy was big into fitness, surfing, and rock climbing, but every man has his limits, and rock climbing is dangerous stuff.

So what do we ban? Rock climbing? Excessive exercise?

Ah screw it, just fixate on “Gun Death” and ban guns! Makes sense, right?

H/T Bob

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2 Responses to “Gun Death” Rock Climbing

  1. McThag says:

    Two things to remember about gravity. First is that it’s always on. Second is that it works.

  2. Archer says:

    “Progressives” will write this one off as, “He died doing what he loves,” as if that makes the death all honky-dory.

    But if a hunter were killed in an honest-to-goodness “gun accident” (faulty mechanism, say), we won’t hear a damn thing about “dying doing what they love.” Instead, they’ll fall all over themselves with “ZOMGGUNDEATH!!!!!”, and “BAN HUNTING”, and “BAN GUNS”, and “FOR TEH CHILDRENZ!!” hysteria.

    To them, only “Gun Death” is worth getting excited over.

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