Quote of the Day: “Other”

I’ve been hanging-out a bit at the anti-gun site “Armed With Reason”, mostly because they have what appears to be an open comment section (they have moderation, but from all I’ve seen every post gets approved unless its REALLY off-color, and I mean that by reasonable definitions, not anti-gun ones. Also once they’ve approved you a few times they just add you to their white list and your comments appear like in 99% of the pro-gun websites)

This comment really made me smile:

I have yet to hear a single gun control advocate explain to me how my personal 30 round standard AR-15 magazine infringes on any of your rights. If you cannot, then there’s no valid reason why you should be allowed to infringe upon my right to possess one.

This is a crux of anti-gun arguments. You see given the increasing commonality of not only gun owners, but gun-culture 2.0, or maybe even we’re at 2.5 where so many of us are starting to see things like carry permits and the NFA items being pointless restrictions, who know what they’re talking about. If you read this blog you’re one of those gun owners (I wish that wasn’t damn near 100% but it seems that anti-gun people aren’t interested in reading what I have to say) and we all from time-to-time encounter anti-gunners. Of course we’re well-read, productive members of society, and while we may not relish the idea of killing another human being, we understand that there comes unfortunate circumstances where that is the best course of action.

Also while we own our Politically Correct guns, our wood-stocked hunting rifles, and shotguns with barrels measured in furlongs, and magazines with capacities you can count with the fingers on both hands and have enough left over for a nice tip. But we also have our “Politically Incorrect” guns, our “Saturday Night Specials”, our “Assault Weapons”, our “High Capacity Magazines”, maybe even a few “Ghost Guns”. Since we’re all about lawful behavior and effective activism, we will share this information when its relevant.

In the end when the question of “Why do you want MY guns taken away?” is presented, the common answer is “Well, YOU’RE fine, and I have no problem with YOU owning whatever you want, I’m more concerned about OTHER people!”

You know who “Other People” are? People JUST like us! Criminals don’t care about the laws, and when they’re found to be armed they are LEGALLY disarmed with no further legislation. We can talk about “Crazy People”, and that can get uncomfortable for many because its not black and white. Yeah those mass shootings often involve total nutballs who were not considered “Mentally Ill” when it came to passing a NICS check. But for every one of those nuts there are literally HUNDREDS with identical observed clinical symptoms who go on to commit no serious crimes. Further as callous as it sounds for every nut that shoots up a school or military installation, there are again HUNDREDS of dead bodies in our inner cities with bullet holes, and for each of THOSE bodies there’s a corresponding body that was murdered without the aid of a firearm.

So yeah, gun control laws aren’t going after the bad apples, they’re going after the GOOD apples with the HOPE that it might slow down one or two of the nuts. Sorry that’s not how liberty works, and further this will not lead to a safer nanny-state, just a more oppressive nanny state.

Also for your amusement I’ll quote the comment Thomas was responding to.

I don’t wear this badge proudly, because it can be hard to distinguish a normal owner from the nutters, but when gun advocates “call me out” I’m happy to prove them wrong; I’ve been a owner for a number of years and a member of a club for the last three this march… I own several rifles and a few handguns and while my knowlege may be lax in some areas, I know my way around. In fact, thats why i’m passionate about defending gun restrictions..

The most hilarious aspect of your post, you seem to think that experience is more important than knowledge… you’ve posted zilch, nada, nothing, zero in way of actual fact, and haven’t been able to back up a single argument with realiable source.. news outlets and youtube don’t qualify..

You can dive right in and see that there is a WEALTH of citations on why the gun control philosophy is flawed, what you can’t find is this dude backing up his love for gun-banning.

I guess being smug is credentials enough!

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