When “Only Ones” Attack

Just thought I’d poke some holes in some myths.

A former Philadelphia police officer who shot an unarmed neighbor during a drunken melee outside a baby shower will spend his life in prison after being convicted Thursday of first-degree murder.

The November 2009 slaying of William Panas Jr., 21, by off-duty Officer Frank Tepper stoked tensions in the city’s Port Richmond neighborhood. A fight had erupted outside Tepper’s rowhouse during an evening shower for his daughter. Panas had been drinking with friends and came to investigate.

The young man apparently doubted Tepper’s will to shoot as the officer pointed a gun at his chest.

Panas, perhaps sarcastically, said “He’s not going to shoot anyone,” according to Assistant District Attorney Mike Barry.

Tepper, who had been drinking, proved him wrong.

Of course the antis say that only cops should have guns, and private citizens should be disarmed, because citizens with guns are dangerous. Cops are safe because they’re trained, and have badges.

Now meanwhile people with guns and no training, and no permits are having parties with nothing bad happening, and people with no training and guns will defend their lives today.

And of course most violent crimes will be committed by people involved in the illegal drugs economy.

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0 Responses to When “Only Ones” Attack

  1. SGB says:

    Great example of the mythology poured out by anti-freedom gun grabbers.

  2. Pyrotek85 says:

    Terrible what happened, but I’m glad the cop didn’t skate by somehow.

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