“Gun Death” Automatic Gate

From Russia where they have strict gun control, but obviously not laws about safety switches on gates:

Villagers in Russia are mourning the death of a child who was killed when an automatic gate closed crushing him to death.

The accident happened in the tiny hamlet of Proskurka near Novgorod as four-year-old Vanya Mihanokov was playing near the factory where his mother worked.

…’The gate was just an adventure for him. He was fascinated by the silent electric mechanism that would make it slide open and shut and would often sit and stare at it for hours.

‘But on this day he got bored riding his bike around the yard and rushed over to sit on the gate when he saw it moving. His mother Lioudmila, who was working inside, thought he was safe.

‘There was a colleague there anyway but he missed the boy climbing on the gate as it was beginning to move, the boy wanted to get off, but his jacket was caught.

‘He was struggling, he couldn’t free himself and then his tiny body was crushed in the closing mechanism.’

Not sure what the rules are here, but most automatic doors either have sensors for objects or resistance to keep this from happening. Hey but gun control laws are better!

H/T Bob

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One Response to “Gun Death” Automatic Gate

  1. Maxwell says:


    (Sorry. Couldn’t resist.)

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