Come down off that Cross

In all this talk about trolls, makes me remember the old Rules of Engagement post. One can tear down a loser with a no-reader blog, and what do you get? I say better set sights on groups like the Brady Campaign and the Joyce Foundation who actually pose a threat to us. And it requires only a modest change in our methods. Just single out Their Members

In this post Joan Peterson of the Brady Campaign, and the Joyce Foundation whines that people are calling her an idiot because she’s obviously stupid. I don’t know how else to say it. A female dog shouldn’t be offended when somebody calls her a “bitch”. She then prattles on about various leftists who have been threatened with violence, and further goes off the deep end calling Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck “Violent”. And all of this to somehow say that the pro-rights people who comment on her blog somehow might want to do her physical harm….you know because we think she’s stupid.

Of course if she really felt threatened she’d probably want to get a gun to defend herself. But now we’re getting someplace, have a peek at this post by Sebastian. People are stuck in a violent neighborhood where the gangs are running the show. The police aren’t helping….so they simply call for help some more.

Joan Peterson seems to want to twist reality and heart strings to make herself seem like a victim, and the gentleman quoted in Sebastian’s post is a victim, and simply wants to continue to be one, but maybe the .gov can clean up some of the crime so it isn’t QUITE as bad.

I’ve really started to see “Progressives” like this as perpetual children who see the government as their parents and guardians. If anything goes wrong in life you can just blame Mommy and Daddy-State for not taking better care of you.

Sorry, kids, but I have some pride, I also have a closet full of big-boy-pants. And guess what, its not my job to care for grown adults posing as children, so Grow the hell up, and clean up your mess and get a job!

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0 Responses to Come down off that Cross

  1. mike w. says:

    I’ve really started to see “Progressives” like this as perpetual children who see the government as their parents and guardians. If anything goes wrong in life you can just blame Mommy and Daddy-State for not taking better care of you.

    And yet if you point this out those very same perpetual children will look at your post and call you a “meanie,” “doodiehead” or claim you’re “insulting” them.

  2. I can’t even begin to comment on her whiny post. People call her names and she cries about it. I get threatened with the power of the State coming to my house with guns to register their complaints, too bad for me. She wants to have the Government dictate what tools I own and where I carry them, with jail time and a side order of dead if I don’t comply. She should put her big girl panties on, build a bridge and get over herself.

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