Healthcare is a RIGHT!

This is why we don’t put the government in charge of our health

This Saturday, one of Greece’s most respected newspapers, To Vima, reported that the nation’s largest government health insurance provider would no longer pay for special footwear for diabetes patients. Amputation is cheaper, says the Benefits Division of the state insurance provider.

Nice huh? WE NEED TO REPEAL OBAMA CARE NOW…as in RIGHT NOW, before we’re counting toes we don’t have!

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0 Responses to Healthcare is a RIGHT!

  1. bluesun says:

    Wow, let’s just all go back in time to NancyR’s hobby, where if it hurts you either get leached or cut off. Good grief.

  2. Dan says:

    Well I guess the health insurance companies don’t have to follow the Hippocratic Oath, now do they …

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Hey neither would Doctors….I mean the people pushing this shit are the same people who think the 2nd Amendment means I have to ask government permission before I buy a gun, and I may only select guns and ammunition approved by the government.

      I mean it could just mean “I shall do no harm…to my government’s bottom line”

  3. Bubblehead Les says:

    Oh, when Breda sees this story….wonder if she needs a ride to the Airport to catch a flight to Athens?

  4. A death panel by any other name…

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