So I haven’t spent any time covering John Kerry’s new boat, and his transgressions with it, as People like Jay covered it, as well as all the local news stations have been covering it to death. Its an amusing story, but not really worth putting pen-to-paper with me. I mean I wouldn’t want the appearance of a circle jerk, now would I? (Hehehehe)
Still This story today is worth a read for this line alone:
Kerry issued a statement in the late afternoon, pledging payment.
“We’ve reached out to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and made clear that, whether owed or not, we intend to pay the equivalent taxes as if the boat’s home port were currently in Massachusetts,’’ Kerry said. “That payment is being made promptly.’’
“whether owed or not, we intend to pay”??? What an obnoxious little turd! Dude you and your wife have multiple mansions and large sums of money, don’t you have a tax attorney and a personal accountant? I suspect you do know weather the money is owed or not, and that directly reflects your intention to pay.
Look I get the idea of a tax shelter (tho from all accounts up until recently this boat has been moored off of Nantucket so the point is moot, from my understanding of the law) but when somebody like John Forbes Kerry decides to skirt taxes, but uses his power as a senator to INCREASE all of our taxes, that’s a bit rich, and hypocritical, wouldn’t you say?
Also, I will add that it was definitely a dick move to have the boat built in New Zealand and then sailed to Rhode Island for registration…then sailed to Nantucket where the Senator summers, when there are countless world-class boat yards in the North East. Americans are out of work, and shipyards are hurting because normal people aren’t having boats built. Total Dick move, and now he has the gall to whine about it, and give the appearance of being cheated by the system.
God I can’t wait until he’s up for re-election!
HEY! He got a silver star for not doing anything of merit…he can get re-electered. It’s New England and some of your neighbors like those sorts…
Maybe next time he runs for office he can have been a SEAL that worked with Australian SAS in VietNam… 🙂
Hey, don’t belittle him! He got a silver star for knowing the right people in high places!
As for him being a SEAL in Viet Nam, he’s told taller tales, like his night mission into Cambodia on Christmas Day…