Magic Phones

So I’m getting my alergy shot right now and I noticed everybody in the waiting room is tinkering with one form of smart-phone or another.

So I pulled out my own phone and blogged about it.

How cool is that?

**UPDATE** Just as I started typing this a woman walked in and started reading a paperback. A Paperback! Not even an ebook reader! LOL

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0 Responses to Magic Phones

  1. mike w. says:

    Hey, don’t knock the analog! I still whip out my trusty old paperback when I want to do something antiquated like read a book.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I still read paper books and magazines. Frankly its not worth the $$$ for me to get an eBook reader. Tho the wife bought a Kindle and its pretty slick a unit. If I was more of a book worm (frankly all my reading is blogs and news articles these days) I’d totally get one. Just from what little I’ve seen of the Kindle it looks REALLY awesome.

  2. North says:

    Did you stone the primitive woman? There is an app for that.

  3. LMB says:

    The nice thing about the paperback is you don’t have to worry about battery life.

  4. RabidAlien says:

    Heh. I usually carry 2 books in my backpack, in case I finish one 10 minutes into lunch. My wife has an iPad and a Nook, and still doesn’t read much. I have a couple of PDF books loaded on the Nook, but probably only remember to turn the darn thing on about once a month. And then shake my head, go over and plug it in to the charger, and forget about it for another month.

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