Shooting BC

Of course “BC” is “Before Cooper”. Borepatch has linked up a series of 1944 army pistol shooting videos. Go have a watch.

Interesting how just about all of the 4 rules of gun safety penned by Col Cooper are violated in the video, not to mention the goofy “Hollywood Teacup Weaver” shooting hold. (wouldn’t surprise me if Hollywood’s love of this poor shooting grip is a vestige of these bygone days) and advisory to not use the sights inside a certain range.

Anybody handling a military 1911 or other pistol from the turn of the 20th Century might understand this as the sights are miniscule and forming a fast flash-picture is VERY difficult under ideal conditions, and damn near impossible under adverse ones. These days talking about point shooting in anything but contact ranges is a quick way to discredit yourself.

I’m with Borepatch tho in being deeply amused by the use of tracers (of course in the last video I wonder how many of these makeshift shoothouses burned down because of errant burning metals).

We’ve come a long way in combat pistol shooting, tho I’m not so sure how much of that has transferred into basic military training.

Neat video, and good find!

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0 Responses to Shooting BC

  1. Borepatch says:

    “BC”, heh.

    But I suspect that Col. Cooper would have credited Weaver for some of the ideas.

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