Again How Laws REALLY Work

Another Abandoned baby.

A baby boy was found abandoned in a trash can in suburban Illinois on Sunday was the first such case of the new year in a state that prides itself on its Save Haven laws.

The baby’s 13-year-old mother wrapped the newborn in bloody jeans before leaving it in an outdoor trash can in a town called Country club Hills, south of Chicago.

More on the Safe Haven laws here. We’ve seen this before.

“Progressives” think that passing laws will stop behavior, and that you can legislate morality. Nope, laws just impede flow and give an avenue for defining and punishing crime.

Of course with gun control most of the proposed laws are fully redundant…yet their proponents somehow think that will STOP crime. This is the same mechanic that results in people getting shot in Chicago.

We have more sense than that.

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0 Responses to Again How Laws REALLY Work

  1. Calm Gun says:

    If morality could be legislated New York and Chicago would be “Safe Heavens.” Instead we know them to be what they are, places where innocent people are butchered.

  2. Pingback: Quote of the Day: Calm Gun | Weer'd World

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