When you thought Rick Santorum couldn’t be a worse human being he drops this:
America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography. A wealth of research is now available demonstrating that pornography causes profound brain changes in both children and adults, resulting in widespread negative consequences. Addiction to pornography is now common for adults and even for some children. The average age of first exposure to hard-core, Internet pornography is now 11. Pornography is toxic to marriages and relationships. It contributes to misogyny and violence against women. It is a contributing factor to prostitution and sex trafficking.
Every family must now be concerned about the harm from pornography. As a parent, I am concerned about the widespread distribution of illegal obscene pornography and its profound effects on our culture.
For many decades, the American public has actively petitioned the United States Congress for laws prohibiting distribution of hard-core adult pornography.
Yep, Rick Santorum wants to ban PORN!
There are two types of American males. Those who look at porn, and those who lie about it. In the case of Rick Santorum, he’s the latter, and I have little doubt when he sneaks he’s looking at hardcore gay male porn.
Still I’m happy he’s still in the running, because hopefully a brokered GOP convention will kill the current Republican party, because if this evil shithead is in 2nd place after the Author of Obama Care and the signer of Massachusetts “Assault Weapons Ban”, and this is after the brutal defeat of Senator John “McCain-Fiengold” McCain, the days of the GOP are over and its time to start shoveling dirt on that coffin lid.
The New York Times Bestseller is now in PaperBack! “How I lost the Presidential Election because I only wanted 10% of the Electorate to Vote for Me” by Rick Santorum. At Book Stores and Online Today!
I’ll be waiting for his 2nd book the self-help book called “How to master Fellatio and be a Better Catcher”.
Doesn’t matter anyway…. 12/12/2012 is within sight! Those Hispanic Indian Psycic Aliens from a billion years ago already carved in stone that the world is going to end (or maybe they just got tired of carving stone and figured we would have invented paper by the time we got to this point).
Oh, and I freely admit that I occasionally look at some porn. Guess I keep on forgetting to get all mysogynist and violent towards women. Oh well, there’s always tomorrow I suppose.
Never mind that the most violent wife beater that I have ever personally come across was a sexually repressed religous zelot asshole. He didn’t look at porn and would get violently angry if he found out anyone else was. He very openly (and loudly) believed that masturbation was “of the devil”. Personally, I think he would have been a much more content and peaceful person if he’d just looked at some titty pics and wacked off every once in a while to take the edge off.
I keep saying that more harm in this world is done by sexually frustrated people than by those who are purely evil. I propose we form an elite commando unit whose purpose is to be air-dropped into specific areas and administer oral sex until the populace is calm, happy, and satisfied.
God bless the brave men and women of the 1st Airborne Oral Fellatrices (the Fighting Cockatrices), and the 2nd Cunning Linguists (the Blue Anteaters).
I need T-Shirts with the tail Insignia of each group!
Wouldn’t that just be a tramp stamp?
LOL! 😀
Nice plan, but who would we get to volunteer to go? People who are so hard-up as to be dangerous are usually that way for a reason (except me, I’m just shy).
Oh, that’s simple: we recruit and militarize the sluts and man-whores. 🙂
“Travel To Exotic Distant Lands! Meet Exciting, Unusual People! And Fuck Them!” 😀
I approve of this message.
Can’t… legislate… morality…
I say the same thing all the time. I have never gotten any reaction except:
blink… blink…
The problem is, a vast majority of Americans just don’t understand what that means, or why.
Hold on people- he is not against porn, he is only against illegal porn.
Feel better?
He’ll likely start a coalition called “Mayors Against Illegal Porn”, and constantly assure us they aren’t after OUR porn…while making various legal forms of pornography illegal…
Pingback: Rick Santorum, Pervert | In Jennifer's Head
You do know all the candidates have the same plank in their platforms, right? Betcha there’s an equivalent in Obama’s, too.
You’re being played, and seem to like it.
Actually, they don’t, Rob.
The four letters “porn” are not anywhere in that document.
The dems have dug a spiked tiger pit, baited it with blue law morality issues, and Santorum has leaped right into it.
Too bad. I would have liked to have voted for a conservative, but this one is just too much of a god-botherer to resist the bait.
How about “obscenity”? Probably couched in terms of women’s rights or “respect” or the like.
Again, you’re all being played. Since you’re enjoying it, that’s OK, but you really should be aware.
For many decades, the American public has actively petitioned the United States Congress for laws prohibiting distribution of hard-core adult pornography.
I’d like a definition of “the American public” please. Don’t believe I’ve ever met any of those people.
I suspect they’re the same as the “Majority of American Who Support ‘Common Sense Gun Control'”. They don’t really exist but authoritarian high-functioning retards like Santorum or Joan Peterson REALLY REALLY want them to exist. So much that they’ve actually forgotten they made them up in the first place, and assume they actually exist, and very few disagree with their delusion.
Simple. “The American Public” is the results of a survey commissioned by “Mayors Against Illegal Porn”, and conducted by a paid poll house that advertizes with the tagline “we know how to ask the questions in order to get the answers you want”. So then you can see what MAIP– err, I mean, what “the public” wants.
Even my Ultra-conservative, extremely religious MIL things he’s a nut job and refuses to vote for him.
That says alot about the people who are.
So since my wife loves porn she must hit me, as well as cheat on me? Find that hard to believe.
He can’t have my porn, he can just sod off and download his own!