Only Ones

They’re the only ones who should have guns!

A D.C. police officer who worked as a motorcycle escort for White House officials and other dignitaries was moved to administrative duty Wednesday after he allegedly was overheard making threatening comments toward Michelle Obama, according to several police officials.

You’d think that not only firearms trainings, they received training on how serious the Secret Service takes remarks like this…especially given that they’re DC police.

Remember they’re the only ones!

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0 Responses to Only Ones

  1. BenC says:

    I hate to defend the only ones but it kind sounds less like a threat and more like gaming a situation”allegedly made the comments Wednesday morning as several officers from the Special Operations Division discussed threats against the Obamas”. I could see his saying I could take out Michelle Obama and this is how I would do it and the Gun I would use. Sounds like an overreaction to me.

  2. Some hinky sh!t is going down with this one. The head of the DC police union came out and publicly stated that if true, even if it was just a joke, the officer needs to lose his job.

    It’s most unusual for the police union to go against one of their own, regardless of how damning the evidence or the severalty of the charges.

    • Rob Crawford says:

      Yeah — the union even defended Officer ‘Roid Rage here in Ohio, despite his repeated, on-video actions that would get any of us up on charges.

      But, then, this may be an instance of the Party God being more important than the Party member.

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