That’s How They Work!

Just saw this video:

Not only does the Energy Secritary that’s the head of CAFE Standards, (which will kill the US Auto Industry at this rate) as well as pushing rancid turds like the Chevy Volt that actually cost US money for Government Motors to sell them! Doesn’t even own a car!

Same idea of the people who know nothing about guns making gun laws…or Al Gore who has zero science background, and certainly knows nothing about climatology being the “Leader” in Climate Change legislation.

They know NOTHING about the subject…but they’re the expert, and they certainly know better than us!

BTW Secretary Chu may not have a car, but his wife has a nice one.

Rules for Thee, not for me. Its the “Progressive” way!

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0 Responses to That’s How They Work!

  1. SGB says:

    They have no shame.

  2. AZRon says:

    Back in the 70’s and 80’s, when I was into it, there was a similar non sequitur with C.A.R.B.

    Virtually all of the aftermarket, high performance parts for cars, trucks, and motorcycles were made and/or sold in California, but they were illegal to use on California streets and highways.

  3. Old NFO says:

    Of course they don’t… And it’s do as I say, NOT as I do…

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