“Gun Death” Rogue Wave

Rogue waves are VERY scary. Offshore I’ve been hit by two. One threw me like a rag doll from the rail INTO the boat…that was kinda neat. One almost threw me OUT of a boat, which would have likely ended my life, that wasn’t so great. This is one of those latter stores.

Authorities say a man and a juvenile fishing near the Golden Gate Bridge died after being swept into the ocean by large waves.

Southern Marin fire Battalion Chief Matt Barnes said the unidentified pair and a third fisherman were pulled into the frigid waters on Friday just before 5 p.m.

The trio was on a rocky coastline just northwest of the bridge in the Marin Headlands, which is exposed to large swells rolling in from the Pacific.

Happens in Maine every summer with people watching storm swells coming onshore on exposed points. In these cases the water is warm, but the waves usually dash the people to death on the rocks.

Not a “Gun Death”, any less tragic?


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