Puzzles are FUN!

Very Neat article:

Scientists set up a game for six chimps that involved moving red dice through pipes until they fell into a container.

The same task was also carried out using brazil nuts instead of dice, so that success led to a treat.

However, the Zoological Society of London found the apes enjoyed getting stuck into a puzzle, with or without the opportunity to win a prize.

The chimpanzees, all members of an adult family group at the zoo, had to prod sticks into holes in the pipes to change the direction of the dice and get them to fall in the right place.

They did not receive advance training on how to play the game and the scientists said the apes were given complete freedom whether or not to pit their wits in the puzzle.

Researcher Fay Clark, from the society, said they noticed the chimps were “keen to complete the puzzle” for its own sake, regardless of whether or not they received a food reward.

“This strongly suggests they get similar feelings of satisfaction to humans who often complete brain-games for a feel-good reward,” she said.

Just look at the success of games like Bejewled or Angry Birds, games that are simple puzzle games without much for story lines or prizes. Also the runaway hit computer game Myst where a minimal storytelling process and heavy puzzle solving became a classic.

Turns out we aren’t alone in out love for puzzle games! I was really amazed that the apes didn’t care if they were rewarded or not. They just wanted to play the game.

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One Response to Puzzles are FUN!

  1. WallPhone says:

    Any word if they became homicidal loners due to obsession of games?

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