More “Red Team” Fail When it Comes to Guns

I’m just amazed when anti-gun people attempt to understand the pro-gun side:

First comes the bizarre “Locked in a Room” scenario. I use a very similar one when discussing gun rights with people. My scenario goes like this: You are going to be locked in a small room for four hours with one other person. Choice #1. A multi-time convicted felon for violent offenses with a rusty screwdriver in his pocket. Or Choice #2, me with a fully loaded M249 SAW. Which would they choose? Never had anybody pick option one. Why? Well because I’m proven to be a non-violent and generally friendly guy. The fact that I have a loaded machine gun with me doesn’t change it a bit. Really their biggest risk is I’ll prop that SAW up against the wall and talk them to death while I kill time waiting for the door to open. The convicted felon is KNOWN to be dangerous, god forbid you so much as LOOK at him wrong, he might pull out that screwdriver!

Cenk’s argument doesn’t even address the people, its just four people and four guns. Even with his one-gun scenario it really doesn’t clarify that. Hell on the night that Osama Bin Laden was killed I was sitting in a hotel room in Pittsburgh with about 10 people and on the table were about 8 loaded guns, there were more guns in holsters around the room. What happened? Well we talked all night and had a great time. Now throw in the scenario where there are NO guns, but a few of the people in the room are known violent offenders. The chances of NOBODY getting hurt (of course not any by guns) gets VERY close to 100%. It really just doesn’t make any sense, but Cenk thinks it explains us. Yeah…

Of course he cites Kellerman, incorrectly at that, which might explain why he’s hanging his hat on this. Except it isn’t true.

Then comes in the woman talking about “gun skills”.

Watch this video:

A woman with a rusty-as-hell Hi-Point carbine fending off armed home invaders. I’m sorry, but if your cheap-ass gun is THAT rusty you aren’t taking it to the range much, and obviously her skills don’t include knowing how to clean and maintain it. I have guns that are DECADES older than the COMPANY hi-point that are still in perfect working condition, this gun rusted from pure neglect…yet it was still more than enough to save this woman.

Really the big take-away is Cenk is talking about how he “Understands” us, but in his whole panel he doesn’t have a single pro-gun person, or even somebody who knows a single thing about guns.

I’m sure he could have contacted SOMEBODY…hell if he contacted me (my information is on my “about” page) I would have gone on.

Again, antis don’t understand us because they don’t WANT to understand us. Instead they want to build the best strawman they can find to knock it down.

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One Response to More “Red Team” Fail When it Comes to Guns

  1. Cargosquid says:

    Just think what would happen to him if he was locked in this room….

    And that’s not counting the working machine guns and cannon.

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