New Star Wars Title Revealed!

Dunno how I feel about this:

The title of the new Star Wars movie has been revealed as The Force Awakens.

The seventh instalment of the sci-fi saga is set about 30 years after the events of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.

The film sees a new cast including Daisy Ridley and John Boyega joining original cast members Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher.

I’ll be watching because I’m a Star Wars fan at heart, and I’m interested to see how a movie will look without George Lucas ruining it.

Still I don’t have high hopes for the original cast members reprieving their roles. “The Force Awakens” seems like a better title for a video game than a movie, still the return of the Jedi after the purge, it might work.


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5 Responses to New Star Wars Title Revealed!

  1. Bob S. says:

    The Force Awakens?

    Happened to it, did it get Sleeping Sickness? Luke fall into a Rip Van Winkle type slumber?

    Oh….I know — it refers to the original cast’s stirring around after they afternoon nap at the old folks home.

  2. Allen says:

    You’ll love the ending, the ewoks, and the gungans throw a *life day* party, for everyone! And, everyone has ice cream, made from *red matter*!

  3. Thirdpower says:

    I have hopes that this will be a good ‘transition’ movie w/ the original cast as mentors and introducing the next generation. While the originals may be geriatric, I have less worries about them than I do about who they introduce as the new main characters.

  4. Tim D says:

    Well, since it will be JJ Abrams ruining it this time you can expect plenty of lens flares.

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