That is NOT Your Job, Barry!

So we have a President who obviously sees the law of the land as a mere hurdle for the “little People”. The American People don’t see it that way:

House Speaker John Boehner seeks “to compel the president to follow his oath of office” with a congressional lawsuit. It’s a good idea, but don’t expect it to stop this lawless president.

The Framers provided no real recourse against a lawless chief executive beyond Congress’ power to impeach. And that power may well go on full display next year if Republicans gain control of the Senate and retain the House.

But what to do in the meantime? Last week’s unanimous Supreme Court ruling against President Obama’s recess appointments won’t stop his power grabs next month or next year. As Charles Krauthammer observes, “This administration does not learn constitutional lessons. It continues marching until it meets resistance.”

Well, resistance is arriving — resistance that might, in fact, be a prelude to impeachment next year.

The President’s Response?

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“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Sound Familiar?


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6 Responses to That is NOT Your Job, Barry!

  1. The_Jack says:

    Shades of Gabriel Over the White House here.

    Which is fitting, given that FDR loved that film and had a hand in it’s production and showed it at the Whitehouse.

  2. Crotalus says:

    He really ought to quit wearing that flag pin on his lapel. He is not worthy of it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    As they say at 4chan,

    >implying the GOP has the stomach for impeachment
    >implying the Democrats won’t fight tooth and nail
    >implying one single Democrat would vote to impeach a Democrat president, ever
    >implying scores of RINOs won’t cross over and call their colleagues “racist” and “fascist ideologues” on all the Sunday morning TV talk shows
    >implying the news and entertainment agitprop media isn’t in the tank for the Kenyan
    >implying all the late night TV comedians won’t be reading from the same yellowed scripts they used for the Clinton impeachment: “Barry is so cool! He’s the best President EVER and EVERYBODY loves him! Those racist old Republican dickwads hate him because he’s so much smarter than they are! They should just DIE!”
    >implying a ten minute monologue of “John Boehner’s mama is so fat…” jokes won’t follow

    The only thing the Kenyan has to fear is laughing himself to death.

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