“Gun Death” Stabbing

Have a look at this story!

A man convicted of murder in the slaying of a homeless man stabbed over 100 times has been sentenced in southwestern Ohio to life in prison with no chance for parole for 15 years.

…Authorities said **DEPARTED** had over 100 stab wounds. There was no comment on a possible motive.

Stabbed over 100 times to death, with no cited motive. Yet the “Gun Death” crowd somehow things the solution to violent crime is to take guns away from criminals…of course that’s by taking guns away from EVERYBODY.

So then we live in a world where there are monsters who will stab a homeless man to death so brutally, and you and I will be disarmed! What’s the worst that could happen!


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One Response to “Gun Death” Stabbing

  1. Jack/OH says:

    The anti-rights people may want to look at a “state” in the Union where all weapons are nominally banned. America’s incarcerated population, something like 2+ million. Check the DOJ stats on murder and other violent crimes committed by those in prison.

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