Background Checks will CURE EVERYTHING!
Shooting of Firearms Trainer by NYC Woman Exposes Gun Range Loophole
…In Vermont, which has notoriously loose firearm regulations, neither a NICS check nor a 50-state criminal background check is required. But even in states with the strictest gun regulation, ranges present a loophole. At Angeles Shooting Range in Lake View Terrace, California, an employee sounded perplexed at the very question of conducting background checks on customers: “Just to shoot a gun? Um, no.” At Maryland Small Arms Range in Upper Marlborough, no checks are performed. At Shore Shot in Lakewood, New Jersey, no checks are administered, but because of a recent rash of suicides, single patrons must bring a guest if they wish to rent a firearm.
This gets really funny when you know that the antis are addicted to training, and LOTS of training. So yeah they want you do be doing background checks every day, five times a day.
You know, because all these mass shooters have clean backgrounds, but maybe just do it a few more times you’ll get a different results.
You know, that clever definition of insanity.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein
“In Vermont, which has notoriously loose firearm regulations, neither a NICS check nor a 50-state criminal background check is required.”
What a crock! The Brady Bill is federal law. Background checks are required for ALL retail sales, including in Vermont.
Maybe Vermont is like Pennsylvania or Oregon, and the dealer calls a state hotline instead of NICS directly, but the way that sentence is worded makes it sound like dealers in Vermont aren’t required to do checks at all.