To Those Who Saw Hijack Ads

So I’ve gotten a LOT of feedback that occasionally while reading Weer’d World readers would be redirected to nasty ad sights.

I at first dismissed this as an infected browser, because that was what had caused a similar problem with me before.

It wasn’t, there were some cooties on the server and we have hopefully fixed them.

If you see similar popups or redirects in the near future please let me know in the comments or at weerdbeard (AT) gmail

Sorry for the troubles!

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8 Responses to To Those Who Saw Hijack Ads

  1. Seriously, report odd behavior. There is a nasty issue going around and it may not have been fully removed yet. Additionally if you don’t already, run uBlock Origin.

  2. Kermit says:

    I’ve since installed AdBlock and NoScript, and whatever keeps redirecting your page (and Jay’s as well, but only you two; I blame Yankee cooties) has been stymied by one or both of those.

    Still, glad you’ve found at the least a starting point, or better yet, a solution!

    Also, waiting, just WAITING, for your podcast bicycle to ride on over to Gun Nation and/or We Like Shooting.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Heh, well at NRA I was hanging with Paul and Grant, and I met the We Like Shooting crew (and was gloriously assaulted by Jeremy! I really like him!) So we’ll see!

      • Kermit says:

        I think you’d fit in with the WLS crew. Sort of like a return to VC, only with actual topics and moderation!

        Hate to say it, but the Squirrel Report lost rankings in my “favorite podcast” list hard when I discovered WLS. Still, WLS needs MOAR HOG.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          WLS Does remind me a LOT of VC with both it’s large panel, it’s rough format, and it’s length.

          I’m a fan too!

          PS: As I was typing the previous response I got an invite for another podcast I haven’t done before! Stay tuned!

  3. Kermit says:

    Of all… of course the spam comment pops up on the post about spam redirects…

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