Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 319: There is no Weer’d, only DODD!

Weer’d is feeling sick after his colonoscopy, but Erin, David, and Oddball have come to the  rescue with an ACP Round Table.

In This Episode

We discuss:

  • gun manufacturers handing over purchaser information taken from warranty cards to political groups;
  • a historic rise in FFL revocations;
  • a gun shop owner who was acquitted on charges of illegally acquiring a machine gun;
  • a federal ruling against the ban on firearm ownership in public housing;
  • Knife Rights suing the government to repeal the Federal Switchblade Act;
  • Massachusetts gun owners delivering nearly 100,000 referendum signatures, along with a special gift, to Governor Maura Healey:
  • the near-disaster at a staged shooting event by a politician who should have known better, and the longer you look, the worse it gets;
  • Delaware being questioned about their AWB by the Supreme Court;
  • and the mixed result on the appeal of the Washington, DC “high capacity magazine” ban.

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Show Notes

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