Pickled Eggs

I posted this a while back on my Livejournal, but since it sucks, and there are more readers here I thought I’d share a recipe I really love to make. PICKED EGGS!

Enjoy with a fine Beer!

Seems this fine delicacy is popular in pockets around the country, some are more of a simple sugar, salt, and vinegar brine, my version is a bit more substantial.
Weer’ds Grammie’s Pickled Eggs
2 Cups vinegar
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pickling spice
1 medium onion, chopped.

Bring brine to a boil, then let simmer for 8 minutes

Pour brine over 12 hardboiled eggs in a mason jar. I like to half-fill the jar with eggs, then add some of the onions, then put the rest of the eggs in and top off the jar with brine.

Once the eggs and brine cool, store them in the fridge. As a rule, I don’t eat them for at LEAST a week, but the Mrs. who is a pickled egg FIEND has cracked into a jar at 4 days and they were pretty darn good even then.

As the brine is essentially a preservative if kept in the fridge the eggs will be good for at least six months….they shouldn’t last that long, and as I said, they’re awesome with beer!

Also the wife invented a great use for the eggs in making egg salad out of them, and be sure to include some of the pickled onions into the mash.

They seem a bit creepy, but you might be surprised at how enjoyable they are!

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0 Responses to Pickled Eggs

  1. ZerCool says:

    Should the eggs be shelled first?

    And those look far more interesting than the grimy gallon jar usually seen next to a bar register…

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yes, you need to shell them. Tho you don’t need to be anal about it, as stray shell will be dissolved by the brine.

      I did try skipping the shelling step, and the shells vanish, and the eggs pickle, but the membrane on the back of the shell remains, it its unpleasantly tough.

  2. So, it’s a brine made with no water, just straight vinegar? This is a unique recipe.

    White vinegar, or does it matter?

    I used to be a beet hater but I’ve come to realize that I like the color in my eggs, beets really don’t have a lot of flavor, and the flavinoides are probably pretty good for you. I like a less sweet pennsylvania-dutch style recipe and start eating after 3 days. At that point the cure has not yet hit the yolk.

    All the recipes that have chilies or hot sauce in them are never hot enough. You can make the brine spicy, but the eggs don’t really pick it up to any extent. I add hot-sauce when I eat them.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I use white, cider should work well also. I’d caution using things like Balsamic or rice-wine vinegar just because the pH is much different.

      You know, I always put tobasco on my hardboiled eggs, but never on my pickled eggs, I may have to try this.

      • The vinegar-water ratio controls not only the pickling speed, but the vinegar will eventually turn the eggs into rubber. Most recipes seem to be 4 parts of some kind of vinegar to one of beet juice or water. It’s a trade off between preserving and unpalatability, but I only think it matters when you do 4 dozen eggs in a huge kraut crock and then “burn-out” from eating them when you are 3/4 the way in. Then let the remaining eggs sit in the back of the fridge for a few months.

  3. UncleJesse says:

    If you want heat, why not try adding some halbaneros to the jar? Also, pickled egg pizza? Add some bacon and you’ve got breakfast.

  4. Pro tip: Let the eggs sit in the fridge for one or two weeks before hard boiling them. That makes the eggs easy to peel for this recipe.

  5. Old NFO says:

    Oh man… those sound GOOD, but pickled eggs, beer, and me, and you DO NOT want to be downwind… 🙂

  6. Pingback: Neat Way to Cook Eggs | Weer'd World

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