Food Chain?

Also follow this link chain. Lissa did battle with a snake. Mr. Serpent made some bad choices and got his just desserts. Borepatch left a link to This Blog that contains this video:

I’m curious what’s going on here. Obviously kitty is doing a kitty thing, and I’m willing to chalk the sheer stupidity of this scenario down to domestication. But what are the gators up to? I suspect given that they live in a populated area pest critters like rats possums, and squirrels make up a part of their diet as do pets like dogs and cats. Were the gators just full-up and curious, and not interested in being touched?

Odd video. I’d make a self defense analogy about refusing to be a victim, but let’s face it, if this was a defensive situation, all the fangs and claws Mr. kitty has wouldn’t be enugh to scratch Mr. Gator’s rough hide….

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0 Responses to Food Chain?

  1. Lissa says:

    Get that kitty a Bodyguard, STAT!! 🙂

  2. bluesun says:

    Maybe it’s actually a cyborg cat with infrared lasers in it’s eyes and a 40,000 Volt shock claw. Or maybe I’ve been watching too many movies again…

  3. Old NFO says:

    Dang… that cat IS impressive…

  4. Phyphor says:

    Doesn’t it look like the gator went for backup? “C’mere, Clyde, this damned furball’s too tough for me!”

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