This video presented by the Brady Center shows EXACTLY what they stand for.
Anti-Freedom: They want to take the right to keep and bear arms away from as many people as they can, and restrict the choices of firearms, ammo, and accessories as much as they can. Thankfully they appear to have little to no power these days. Still they are most certainly anti-freedom.
Pro-Ignorance: First up let’s point out that Plaxico has spent most of his life learning how to throw a ball and take a hit. This is not a brain surgeon, nor is it somebody who probably formed an opinion of his own. He’s a puppet in the purest sense. He met up with the Brady Camp because he liked that option better than going to jail, and he’s reading this statement because the Brady Campaign told him to read it.
But also as Sebastian Said: ” ‘I never thought my gun would accidentally discharge’
Really? I think that’s an entirely predictable result of carrying an unholstered Glock in a pair of sweat pants.”
He was carrying a loaded Glock stuffed in the front of his sweat pants, and when it slipped he grabbed the trigger and shot himself.
The Four Rules are part of every safety course, and any class or article about conceal carry talks about holsters and why they’re so important. Plaxico exhibits the two big reasons. Why every carried gun needs a holster. #1. It keeps the gun where you put it, and not sliding down the leg of your pants, or bouncing across the floor. #2 (and this is why even when you pocket carry you need a holster) it keeps things out of the trigger guard, like clothing or your finger.
If this incident happened in a Vacuum this could have simply been solved by a quality conceal carry class. Note that the Brady Center opposes such classes because the NRA is the #1 provider of safety training in America. Also if people know how to safely carry and shoot firearms, they aren’t suitable to the lies and fear-mongering of the antis. Again, Pro-Ignorance.
Pro Criminal: I said “If this incident happened in a Vacuum” for a reason. There was a lot around this story. First up, Mr. Burris is a very good, and well-compensated Football Player. If he felt in danger or in need of protection he could have gone any number of routes to have a lawfully carried firearm with him for protection. The easiest would be to hire a bodyguard, but he probably could have paid off the appropriate people to buy a NYC Carry Permit.
I don’t suspect that’s why he had his gun with him. I was at a night club. The gun was an accessory, no different than a gold chain, or an expensive bottle of booze that these thugs don’t know from a 40oz.
He had a gun in his pants to make him look tougher. To look more like a thug.
This is something The Brady Campaign to stop Gun Violence SHOULD be discussing if their name wasn’t a total farce. Why would a Millionaire ball-player feel the need to dress up like a two-bit Pimp or Crack-dealer? The fact that “Thug Culture” is CELEBRATED in the inner city. People with money pay to look more “Thug”, and singers and artists glamorize the parasite lifestyle.
No talk of this. No talk about how Plaxico made no effort to carry a gun legally. No effort to carry a gun safely (BTW for what its worth, I’ve heard people ALSO say that a holster is a good way to identify you as a “Good Guy” as the Thugs don’t use holsters when they carry), and every effort to look like the problem rather than the solution.
Nope, they are pro-criminal, not “Anti-Violence”. Violence is the currency they deal in, so they do NOTHING to prevent it.
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I don’t see these gun control idiots any differently than two-bit 3rd world country dictators. They lie as a matter of policy, they stretch and warp any truth they find convenient to their frighteningly misguided “causes”, they promote elimination of freedoms so that their are no dissenters to their opinions, and they engage in phobia-spreading propaganda and slander to subvert honest, law-abiding citizens. All they lack is the actual means to resort to violence themselves, so they encourage others to engage in it in their place, and celebrate tragedies and crimes as “victories”.
The safety for a glock is no round in the chamber, in order to shoot himself he had to have had the safety off.
Yeah I forgot to mention that if he was carrying as jewelery, then why did he have a round piped.
Maybe I shouldn’t waste too much time musing about the actions of idiots.
So much of the propaganda against guns is in how it’s reported/labeled.
It was NOT an accident. It was pure negligence on Burris’ part. Completely avoidable with proper care and handling. It didn’t go off by itself.
Fast and Furious was NOT a botched operation. It did exactly what they wanted. The only thing that was botched was an agent turning whistleblower before they could blame legal sales for the guns going to Mexico. It took a dead Border Patrol agent to have him turn whistleblower. It was never about busting illegal sales or traffickers – it was an anti-2a scheme that literally backfired.
Of course Mr. Burress was/is stupid and negligent, but
no one ever mentions that Plaxico had a FL concealed carry permit (expired) and with state reciprocity agreements never would have been charged with a felonious crime if he played for:
Instead, he lost millions of dollars and two years of his life, because he was stupid, lived in a fascist state, drank in a fascist city, fears crime and thinks sweatpants make a great holster. He harmed no one, except himself. Pretty stiff punishment for the offense. And now he’s been cowed by the NFL into aligning himself with the wrong interest group. He should, instead, be advocating sensible gun ownership behavior and skills.
Well if he did have Florida permit it means he took the Florida carry course which while cheezy DOES teach you everything you EVER need to know about not shooting yourself in the leg.
He’s an idiot. The Brady Campaign likes him like that.
This whole “campaign” is going to boil down to a mass of steaming “fail” for the Brady Bunch…
Plaxico is an idiot. He is not a firearm expert, he is not trained in firearms, and, so far as I know, he did not even have a permit to carry that firearm. Holding him up as a spokesperson is just mind-numbingly moronic.
Plaxico negligently discharged his firearm while carrying it illegally in a notoriously anti-firearms city. If anything, he goes to prove the truth that “gun free zones” simply do not work.
Plaxico gave us the very definition of “unsafe firearm handling”, and the predictable Very Bad Stuff (TM) happened. Blaming the firearm, as the Brady Campaign is having Plaxico do, is not only a blatant abrogation of his individual responsibility for his actions, it is yet another example in the long train of totemistic behavior of the anti-rights cultists.
Screw ’em. They have their blood-stained hands up the ass of yet another puppet to use for their cause, and he will fail them just like all the others.