I have no need to beg for attention and approval from you, or anyone else on the interweb. Suffice it to say I have a cabinet full of trophies, plaques, and pins to show my achievements in actual shooting competitions(IHMSA), not some video on the web. And I don’t even display them in my own home, because I have no need for anyone’s adulation. If that is you in the video, squeeeeeze the trigger, not jerk. If it is not you in the video, why so touchy about lousy shooting mechanics?
Fair enough. But the the butt hurt when I made a simple observation of poor mechanics. I mean the trigger finger isn’t even in contact with the trigger until it’s jerked to it, not exactly how one would go about hitting anything. Besides you asked for a video, I offered a short “resume” in lieu of a video. My comment was made without malice, just offering a bit of advice, if you would rather continue to spray bullets all over, that is your prerogative.
Yeah, he’s done that before… 🙂
Aw, it didn’t catch on fire…
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that is what you call gun control..
I best get practicing…
Just because you are shooting fast is no reason to jerk the trigger like that.
I’ll post your youtube video when its up! Can’t wait! 8)
I have no need to beg for attention and approval from you, or anyone else on the interweb. Suffice it to say I have a cabinet full of trophies, plaques, and pins to show my achievements in actual shooting competitions(IHMSA), not some video on the web. And I don’t even display them in my own home, because I have no need for anyone’s adulation. If that is you in the video, squeeeeeze the trigger, not jerk. If it is not you in the video, why so touchy about lousy shooting mechanics?
if you don’t want my attention or approval then I don’t need your resume either!
Fair enough. But the the butt hurt when I made a simple observation of poor mechanics. I mean the trigger finger isn’t even in contact with the trigger until it’s jerked to it, not exactly how one would go about hitting anything. Besides you asked for a video, I offered a short “resume” in lieu of a video. My comment was made without malice, just offering a bit of advice, if you would rather continue to spray bullets all over, that is your prerogative.
*why. Remove that first the, insert *
That’s a shoulder full of 7.62 x 54 there.
I call BS, that’s not a real Mosin. He didn’t use a 2×4 even once.
The Fins actually made them like they wanted a rifle when they were done.
Ruskies made them so they had a canoe paddle that was reasonably rifle-ish.
OK but not that fast you want to see some of the mad minutes shot at Bisley with a 303 No 4 or SMLE now they are fast.