When Flying last weekend I’d see the people in the blue uniforms wandering around the airport and staffing the 4th Amendment violation stations, and I wondered “I wonder what the people of Germany thought when they saw their first Nazi Uniform in the 20s?”
Now I’m not saying the TSA are willing to commit genocide….unless the President authorized them to, then it would be on!
So here’s this feel good story from the goons in blue.
A leukemia patient making what she calls an “end-of-life” trip to Hawaii says she was embarrassed by security agents at the Seattle airport who refused her request for a private pat-down and made her lift her shirt and pull back her bandages.
Michelle Dunaj also says an agent at Sea-Tac Airport opened a saline bag, contaminating fluid she needs to survive.
TSA spokeswoman Ann Davis tells KOMO-TV it’s against policy to deny a private screening for passengers who request it. The agency is investigating.
I’ve actually had to talk TSA goons OUT of putting me in a private room to touch my penis. Hell in my last Perv-Scan refusal the guy tried to talk me into how “safe” the millimeter wave scanners are, I told the guy that the scanner was for HIS convenience, not mine.
Also they ask if I have any medical issues or fresh injuries before they touch you. I almost pointed out that the day before I had cracked my pinkie nail on Ambulance Driver’s trap thrower, and it hurt really bad. But pulling back bandages, and opening a STERILE bag of saline for a LEUKEMIA patient? (ie somebody who likely has a compromised immune system!)
These beasts are monsters….and they’re INCOMPETENT monsters!
An internal report shows screeners at Newark Liberty International Airport are properly executing standard pat-downs of passengers only 16.7 percent of the time….But it also found that in numerous categories, including removing prohibited items found during physical searches and exhibiting good listening skills, screeners performed their duties properly 100 percent of the time.
Of course that 100% is suspect, given that I know people who have forgotten knives they’ve forgotten in their bags, and we’ve read about people getting guns through security. Still, even this flawed study shows that when the TSA violates our 4th Amendment, they do it with rank incompetence.
A multibillion-dollar information-sharing program created in the aftermath of 9/11 has improperly collected information about innocent Americans and produced little valuable intelligence on terrorism, a Senate report concludes. It portrays an effort that ballooned far beyond anyone’s ability to control.
What began as an attempt to put local, state and federal officials in the same room analyzing the same intelligence has instead cost huge amounts of money for data-mining software, flat screen televisions and, in Arizona, two fully equipped Chevrolet Tahoes that are used for commuting, investigators found….Because of a convoluted grants process set up by Congress, Homeland Security officials don’t know how much they have spent in their decade-long effort to set up so-called fusion centers in every state. Government estimates range from less than $300 million to $1.4 billion in federal money, plus much more invested by state and local governments. Federal funding is pegged at about 20 percent to 30 percent.
Despite that, Congress is unlikely to pull the plug. That’s because, whether or not it stops terrorists, the program means politically important money for state and local governments….When fusion centers did address terrorism, they sometimes did so in ways that infringed on civil liberties. The centers have made headlines for circulating information about Ron Paul supporters, the ACLU, activists on both sides of the abortion debate, war protesters and advocates of gun rights.
Bloated, incompetent, and expensive! Disband the TSA YESTERDAY!
Funny how you mention that you “know people who have forgotten knives they’ve forgotten in their bags”.
I flew to Las Vegas last week. After I got out there, I realized that I had a small folding knife in my wallet that had passed through the x-ray machine and wasn’t seen (or wasn’t cared about if it was seen) and allowed through by the TSA. My friends were suitably horrified; I just rolled my eyes and made sure it was properly packed for the trip home.
But they’re not saying they’ve found everything, just that they always remove them when they do.
Of course, I still call BS on that. No organization the size of Molesters, Inc. is going to have a 100% success rate in any organization-wide procedure. Period.
This is the same organization that will look you in the eye and claim their screeners followed proper procedure even when you can show them video and the actual written procedures showing that they didn’t. It’s no surprise that they’ll lie through their teeth to try and justify their continued
fundingexistence.Don’t forget that people like Rahm Emanual and Ladd Everitt et al want those improperly collected bits of data to be the basis for stripping people of their rights.
It’s odd, but I guess great minds think alike. When the SCI-FIs and I were waiting at the Denver airport for the TSA groper to finish fondling, I mean PATTING-DOWN GayCynic, we were watching the nicely compliant herds trot through the porno-scanner, and I wondered at their sheep-like complacency. SCI-FI and I made the comparison to society in Germany during the Nazi era, and also to the doomed Jews herded into the showers at concentration camps. Seriously, wtf is going on in our country? I feel like the terrorists have won. 🙁
They have already won. Dan’l Boone and Davy Crockett would have put a musket to the junk of the TSA molesters.
The promise of safety is the most tempting lure for the masses. We got attacked. Since then, we’ve had right after right compromised or taken away, but note what’s stopped further attacks: the actions of good people in the planes or the incompetence of the would-be bomber. Some yutz tries to ignite his bloomers and gets tackled–that’s the only thing keeping us safe, relatively speaking.
The Little Wife and I had to fly a few weeks ago, and opted for the pat-down rather than the Cancer Machine. To the agents’ credit, they didn’t balk when we turned down the private screening, and went through the motions quickly and professionally. Still pretty awkward, though.
The REAL wonder was when we got back. My wife discovered a Phillips head screwdriver in my backpack (my carry-on is also my EDC bag – I keep the screwdriver for emergency bike repairs) which had made it through BOTH SETS OF SCREENINGS.
Not exactly a confidence-inducing discovery….
This is why I refuse to get on a plane. In the last 3 years I have DRIVEN to California, Chicago and Texas for business from the DC suburbs so I don’t have to fly.
Idiocy… and yes, disband their asses…