The Onion Parodies The Anti-Gun Argument

Picture Joan Peterson instead of “Shelby” and I find I laugh a LOT harder!

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0 Responses to The Onion Parodies The Anti-Gun Argument

  1. Jack says:

    You don’t wanna make things easier for murders do you?!?!

    And see, they’re not going after your Marshes.

  2. MattW says:

    Shelby squad descend! Haha

  3. Ratus says:

    I’m back

    and Weer’d, Joan wishes she had a “Shelby squad”

  4. Instinct says:

    It’s almost like they read Joan’s ramblings and just changed the words a bit.

  5. “Your bill calls for eliminating cesspools. Can you explain what a cesspool is and why it makes swamps more dangerous?”

    “I believe it is the water thing that goes up.”

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