Again In don’t think they get the irony!
First up we still have people dying from Cancer and ALS. These various pop-culture displays are fine, but they’re also trivial. The important part of them is they raise money, which honestly is independent of runs, walks, or ice buckets.
Of course the idea that the antis want a discussion at all is laughable. They do anything in their power to stifle discussion. Their blogs are moderated. Youtube videos have ratings and comments disabled. When pro-gun groups have meetings they’re open to the public, media, and are planned a year in advance. Meanwhile anti-gun groups have closed meetings with no media allowed, and sometimes in secret locations.
They don’t want discussion, they want to be obeyed!
And of course the “Cure for Gun Violence” is also painfully naive. #1. why is “Gun Death” more relevant to violence or death in general? #2. Has anybody “Cured” “Gun Violence”? Even places with severe gun laws still have people getting shot, and that isn’t even looking at their violence and murder issues by other means.
Lastly, when it comes to curbing “Gun Violence” and actual violence we’re doing a pretty good job of it! Seems the solution is LESS gun control, not more. But they don’t like their reality, so they substitute their own!
**UPDATE** Bob in the comments brings up an excellent point
That image also ignores the fact that for decades the antis have been talking to — in some cases dictating the law to –representatives. And for decades their laws failed to deliver as promised.
Yeah, the antis have had the ears of the politicians since the 90s. Except the laws were unpopular and didn’t work as advertised! Heck the Brady Campaign (Then Handgun Control Inc) essentially wrote the Brady Bill in it’s entirety, and as a victory lab re-named their org after that triumph over the Evil NRA…except now they’re saying that the law is worthless and we need to do it again, but harder!
Even if you disregard the fact that most lawmakers who welcomed the anti-gun lobby with open arms are retired, updating their resume currently, or distancing themselves so they don’t join the fate of that latter group, can you wonder why the lawmakers aren’t answering their calls anymore?
That image also ignores the fact that for decades the antis have been talking to — in some cases dictating the law to –representatives. And for decades their laws failed to deliver as promised.
It ignores the fact that the antis can generate a couple of people to ‘talk’ to representatives. Pro-Rights groups fill auditoriums. Take all the membership of all the anti gun groups and I doubt they would match a ‘smaller group’ like the 2nd Amendment Foundation; much less the “NRA Gun Lobby”.
Plus, what is there to talk about?
We have been “compromising” on basic human rights for almost a century now, and about the only things we have to show for it are (a) the knowledge that “gun control” supporters have no idea what “compromise” means, and (2) the knowledge that “gun control” itself does not work, will never work, and cannot work.
Why waste your time on that?
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