Images of the Antis: Safety

I almost see it as a gift when the antis make such a short-sighted image such as this:

I 100% agree! Cleaners, prescription meds and guns should be kept away from children who can’t safely use them.

Of course I was pretty young when I was given my first pill case for my daily medication, I was even younger when part of my chores was to use toxic chemicals to help my folks keep the house clean.

It isn’t a crime to hand a young child a bottle of cleaner and tell them to commence the scrubbing, nor is it a crime to allow children to access their own medication, or to help out around the house by delivering medications to a sick relative. Further it isn’t a crime that my wife keeps a week’s supply of medication in a pill case that is not the mandated child-proof pill bottle, even tho we live in a house with a toddler who cannot be trusted with medication or cleaners.

The false dichotomy is amazing with this image. There are also not any specific laws against cleaners, or medication, or power tools, or gasoline etc. The laws just state that you must make a good effort to keep your child safe, and if you don’t you are negligent in any harm done, and can be held criminally responsible.

Yet guns are different because they are different! No we need mandatory “Safe Storage” laws that are blankets over all people, even those without young children, and we need to make it a crime for you to teach your child to shoot!

Nope, I’m in favor of the Common Sense laws, not the “Common Sense” laws of the antis.

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