Bigotry Exposed

In Gun Control debates people often use the term “Only Ones”, essentially pointing out that even people who oppose private gun ownership somehow believe in a magical power inside every Police officer, Soldier, and Security guard allowing them to be exempt from the law. Police, Military, and Security Forces are immune from nearly every gun law on the books, and are featured as exemptions to every new gun-control law I’ve ever read.

What’s scary is in a post explaining bigotry by comparing 2nd Amendment restrictions with that of the 1st, Known bigot Ubu52 shows us just how deep the rabbit hole goes

As a person with a journalism degree and city newspaper experience, I don’t feel those restrictions are onorous at all. In fact, I think those rules would cut down the amount of “blog blather” masquerading as “journalism.”

Unfortunately, the list is missing the restriction “Those without a journalism degree and city newspaper experience may not post on the internet.” That’s critical.

Anyway, it’s a great idea! Let’s see if we can turn those rules into laws!

Maybe she’ll claim to be joking, but I certainly won’t buy it. People like her believe in freedom of speech so long as its speech they believe in, just like they believe in the 2nd Amendment so long as its agreeable to them personally. (Ubu is 100% supportive of the right to own guns….just not anywhere near her, nor guns she thinks are scary)

So we all must remember the Marxist Authoritarians might be fixated on guns, but that’s hardly the end. They’ll go after knives and tools after that. They’re also after your speech.

They won’t stop until we’re all in cages. And likely fools like Ubu will be in the same cage as those of us she so despises.

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0 Responses to Bigotry Exposed

  1. Linoge says:

    Like I said over Robb’s way, we really should be thanking UBU for having the nerve to put those words into writing… She single-handedly supported a good number of our theories against anti-rights nuts, and invariably destressed herself a little by finally admitting to the truth.

    All said, something of a win-win, all around.

  2. Sarah says:

    Yep – useful idiots, those MSM/journalist types. It’ll almost be sad to see the looks on their faces when their dear leaders no longer need them.

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