Bigots, There’s Always More

In case you’re saddened that Alan Baird is in full retreat, remember there are ALWAYS more Bigots on the Left

While away this past weekend, someone stole my Libby Mitchell For Governor sign… So please be on the lookout for a toothless guy driving a 1974 beat up pick up truck with an IQ of 70 or less drooling down his neck with a Paul LeTeaBag bumper sticker on the back! He might be sporting a mullet and could look exactly like one of these guys without one…If you see the guy with my Libby Mitchell sign, don’t approach him. He might be armed to the hilt because Glenn Beck told him the gays of America are going to take over the planet along with that socialist commie Maoist Marxist progressive liberal President Obama, so he may not be thinking clearly, okay? He’s been brainwashed beyond repair!

Heh, If I hadn’t been reading her blog for years I’d assume she was putting us all on, but this is how a hate-filled bigot sees the world.

Oh and remember Mainers, Vote Paul LePage because the Bigots don’t like him. There are other reasons why I am very excited to see if LePage wins in November, but this reason is a damn good one! 🙂

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0 Responses to Bigots, There’s Always More

  1. Reputo says:

    Bigots usually can’t even get their facts straight. Glenn Beck doesn’t care about gays one way or the other. Of course that source could be wrong. Beck might have been lying to O’Reilly.

  2. Wally says:

    I must be a particularly stuipd biggot if I am going to vote for a frog :/

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Heheheh, Another Liberal Double-standard. Given that LePage comes from a poor background, even being homeless for approximately 2 years in his teens, and being a member of a recognized Maine Minority (French Canadian….FYI My Grandmother was born in French Canada) and became a self-made man. Meanwhile our bigot is supporting the establishment candidate. But minority and diversity only counts when there’s a “D” after their name!

  3. Linoge says:

    Yeesh. You must have a cast-iron stomach, to go fishing at sites like that for material…

  4. Dragon says:

    Weer’d…you gotta go to Baird’s second website, where he’s posting updates, and made the comment about it being satire, and the old guy was fictional….

    There is an update there, posted only a few hours ago. He states that he and his wife went out and bought handguns, to protect themselves from *the gun whackos*….

    This guy, with his hatred of those folk who carry openly, is now exhibiting a paranoia that he claimed was part and parcel of the *gun toting* crowd…that being, that there is an unfounded paranoia that someone will just start shooting in the middle of a grocery store.

    So the question has to be asked…NOW who’s the paranoid one? I suggest we keep a close watch on the Arizona newscasts, as I’m confident that we’ll hear of this nutjob getting into someones face about OCing, start bloviating about being armed himself, get into a shouting match, draw his weapon FIRST, then wind up getting his ass shot.

    Then Japete will start pissing and moaning about another *gun death*, and how poor Baird was pushed over the edge by the vile and nasty attacks from gun rights Neanderthals, and just HAD to resort to gettnig a gun to protect himself, then was FORCED to pull his gun out and threaten a OCer because said OCer wouldn’t listen to reason when someone who supported Common Sense Gun Laws tried to convince him of the error of his ways.


    • Weerd Beard says:

      He also could simply be lying to make a political point, or to intimidate or whatever.

      Chances are if he’s not lying, he’s the type of guy who brandishing laws are all about.

      Hell I knew of a guy who was a little left-of-center but had a MA carry permit, and he carried an UNLOADED Beretta 92, just to “Scare them Off”. **facepalm**

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