Four Loko

I’ll spoil the punchline of Bob’s recent post but go read his comparison to the media freak-out about Four-Loko “Malt Beverage”. Also I thought I’d post this great commentary by the Malt Liquor Master, Bruz40

As I said at Bob’s the restrictions do nothing. You can still get hard liquor for high-proofage drinking (far more that’s in any malt), and one can simply chase with energy drinks or coffee or tea (How I used to roll during my college days of heavy drinking) or go ahead and just mix up a vodka and redbull and have a DIY Four Loko.

Stupid laws for stupid people! Maybe I need to flag down a 40 for Friday’s VC.

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0 Responses to Four Loko

  1. mike w. says:

    Roomie bought some last weekend. I didn’t try it though, since my body doesn’t tolerate caffeine well.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I imagine its fairly yucky in a. “Mad Dog” 20/20 sorta way.

      I’d rather get drunk on Steel Reserve

      • mike w. says:

        He’s of the liberal persuasion, and since it made him feel bad (read very tired) he thinks it should be banned. I highly suspect whatever he felt was all mental given the amount he drank.

        This shit is loco, and it pisses me off. I’m sure I’ll have an overly wordy post up soon enough.

  2. wfgodbold says:

    The quote I saw from Chuck Schumer had him calling for the ban for the children; after all, if they ban four loko, those underage drinkers will stop binge drinking!

  3. Bob S. says:

    What gets me is the almost complete lack of attention on the fact that a 14 year old was driving a stolen van.

    Think about this folks, let’s focus on appearing to do something rather than address the issues that lead a 14 year old to steal his parents van.

    Poor Parenting? Low values and morals exhibited by friends, relatives and neighbors? A society that tells kids they have the ‘right’ to do what they want?

    Naw, let’s not focus on any of that hard stuff.

    Let’s not focus on the culture of drinking to excess in general either. Let’s not address a societal issue that allows people to willingly purchase and consume a liquor then blame their problems on the marketing of said product.

    Getting to the point I’m going to start shopping for my own island and backers who want liberal banking laws. Heck if it works for the Grand Caymans…..why not for me.

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