“Gun Crime”: Ironic Headline eddition

Found by Say Uncle an ironic headline of “Springfield police charge one-armed man with unarmed robbery”

Good for a chuckle, but it also fits into my “Gun Death?” category.

Hernandez robbed a 58-year-old man of his wallet at the corner of Chestnut and Mattoon streets about noon, Delaney, aide to Police Commissioner William J. Fitchet said. The wallet contained $354 in cash, he said.

The victim reported the robbery at police headquarters, 130 Pearl Street, and provided a description of the suspect.

The headline is really funny, and the story doesn’t give much detail about the actual robbery, but the nature of the story suggest that SOME form of violence must have been threatened (be it false threat of gun violence, or just brute force) for somebody to both give up their wallet AND to immediately report it to police.

But according to the forces who wish to strip us of our rights, this is a morally superior crime, as no gun was used. This is the world they would like us to live in.

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0 Responses to “Gun Crime”: Ironic Headline eddition

  1. Jake says:

    On an unrelated note, be on the lookout for escaped murderer Dr. Richard Kimble, who is believed to be in the area.

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

  2. mikeb302000 says:

    It’s good to know I’m not banned.

    You’re posts under the heading “gun crime?” or “gun deaths?” are what, ironic examples of how many crimes and deaths happen without the use of guns? You’re saying that gun control people deny this is just not true. We focus on the gun-involved crimes for various reasons, but no one says the other violence is OK or doesn’t exist.

    This is just another example of your putting false words in your opponents’ mouths and then acting like they really said that.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      And this is why I banned you in the first place.

      Please give examples why you exclusively talk about “Gun Violence” and “Gun Death” while ignoring violent crime as a whole?

      Moreover these events show the aggressor with no firearm, nor the victim. Why do you also ignore people using guns to lawfully protect themselves?

      Failure to supply a supported argument (this means facts) will show you’re wasting my time.

      FYI you will never be banned, but your comments WILL be moderated. I think that’s only fair. 😛

  3. Bob S. says:


    Your focus on “gun death”, “gun violence” and “gun crime” ignores the fact that most violent crime does not involve firearms — yet you are the one insistent on using ‘common sense’.

    Now tell me Sparky, how is it common sense to focus on reducing firearm related crime
    Offenders used firearms to commit 7% of violent crime incidents in 2008.–http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=tp&tid=43

    And ignore as you do — the other 93% of violent crime?
    I checked your blog for the month of July and only found 1 crime related post involving anything other then a gun — and that was the post on where the criminal stabbed one person and shot another.

    Let’s say you achieve your goals and get rid of all firearms — and firearm related crime; as a result you’ve reduced crime by less then 7% — Wow — Huge achievement eh Sparky?

    At the same time as you are trying to ignore non-firearm related crime — you are disparaging, denying and ignoring the vast number of defensive gun uses

    This is just another example of your putting false words in your opponents’ mouths and then acting like they really said that.

    By the way Sparky — are you ever going to correct your lies about Linoge’s Defensive Gun Use post?
    You know — you’ve admitted that you know he doesn’t find it ‘suspicious’ or ‘bogus’ but you haven’t corrected your post — why do you keep up known lies ?

    • mike w. says:

      Bob – He allows Jadegold to author 100% false posts on his blog. MikeB is a liar and a big fan of lying. Anyone who welcomes Jadegold into the fold would have to be.

      Only a person bereft of honesty and integrity would buddy up with Jade.

    • Linoge says:

      Additionally, he lied about being banned at my website – he was never banned, and I told him that in a comment and an email, both of which he admitted to reading, and responded to (at least the email).

      And, yes, I have the email records to back that up… but liars are liars, and admitting that he is wrong is simply not in Sparky’s vocabulary.

      Sparky, if you were so concerned about all crimes, as opposed to just crimes committed while using firearms, then why are you such an ardent and militant proponent of a political program that has apparently resulted in massively increasing crime rates in those areas where it was attempted? Why do you want to leave average American citizens defenseless in the face of criminals who do exist and will get the tools they need to oppress other people… or simply be big/strong enough to do it on their own?

      Liars will be liars.

  4. mike w. says:

    We focus on the gun-involved crimes for various reasons, but no one says the other violence is OK or doesn’t exist.

    Bullshit. You’re hyperfocused on “gun crime” and you completely ignore everything else because it doesn’t fit your “Guns are bad, let’s ban them” ideology.

    You’re a liar as usual MikeB. Isn’t that getting a bit old by now?

  5. Patrick says:

    MikeB has a hard-on for guns. What can you say? One might even call him a “gun nut”.

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