“Gun Death” Heroin.gov

I HATE Methadone, Its government-made Heroin, and nothing else. You’ll note on just about every political ad about requesting funding for Methadone you will NOT hear people pointing out how it got them clean off the junk. I’ve met a few people who were addicted to Heroin and other opiates who tried to kick the habit with Methadone, they all agreed it just switched their habit to Methadone (often Methadone fortified with other drugs bought on the street), and all of the people I know who are clean off of Heroine and Opiates simply quit on their own. Well here’s another reason to dislike Methadone.

A Tennessee woman is in jail after being charged with murdering her 11-month old baby girl by poisoning the infant with methadone pills…Murphree is charged with first degree murder and aggravated child abuse.
According to an affidavit, she admitted to Memphis police that she crushed her methadone pills and put them in her baby’s food.

No Motive given, but at least in this case it was Mom’s prescribed Methadone. Since Methadone does produce a “High” similar to other opiates it has a street value, so often people who get a take-home supply of the prescription drug simply sell it on the street for cash and use the proceeds to buy their preferred drug.

Of course all this political nonsense will fall on deaf ears to those who preach the statistic “Gun Death” as violence in the drug trade is irrelevant to them, as is a dead baby with a system filled with Methadone. Only bullet holes matter to them.

h/t Bob

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Heroin.gov

  1. Bob S. says:

    Hey, using the logic of the antis — shouldn’t we be calling for licensing, testing, mental health evaluations of all women?

    Who knows how what percentage of mothers out there shouldn’t have firearms Kids?

    And every woman has to be licensed, registered, fingerprinted, photographed, DNA recorded and more — because any of them could be mothers, right?

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