“Gun Death?”: Road Rage

**Update** Please see update below for corrections to this post

OK its kinda all “Gun Death?” this morning, but I just heard This story over the news wire.

A Quincy man who was involved in an accident with another motorist on Morrissey Boulevard in Dorchester yesterday was arrested for allegedly stabbing a third driver after that man stopped to complain about the traffic tie-up, according to State Police.

What is the mantra the antis always say about relaxing gun laws? That there will be old-west style shootouts, and people will draw guns at traffic accidents? Blood will run in the street?

Seems they have to focus on “Gun Death” as a metric, because a stabbing at a fender-bender would really mess with the crap they’re pushing.

**Update** Jay suggested I look a little deeper into the story, so I did:

Hermes said, “He escalated things because he didn’t want to wait and then that resulted in one of the drivers who was involved in the accident defending himself with a knife.”

The Initial reports I had heard and read mentioned nothing about this potentially being a self-defense case. I won’t speculate any further as the waters are quite muddy, but if this is indeed a case of self defense I hope the charges of assault are dropped, and potentially transferred to the man who was stabbed. But again the reports are very conflicting at this time.

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0 Responses to “Gun Death?”: Road Rage

  1. Jay G. says:

    I caught that story on the news this morning, Weerd. There’s a lot more to it.

    Two guys got into a fender bender on Morrisey Blvd. They didn’t call the cops, apparently there wasn’t a lot of damage, so they started swapping papers. The story didn’t say if they failed to move their vehicles or if it was just lookie-loo factor, but traffic got backed up. Dude #3 starts honking, swearing, and then proceeds to get out of his car and start beating on one of the guys involved in the accident.

    He grabs a knife and stabs his attacker in the arm. Unless there’s significant eyewitness testimony to dispute this version, I’d say it was a good shoot. Err, stab.

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