He Will Be Missed…

Seems that Charles H. Sawders has died

Many of you might know him under his online handle of “Straightarrow”. He was a reader of my Livejournal and left several comments there, I can’t recall if he commented here. He was a man of direct words and strong convictions. I certainly always enjoyed what he added to comments. I know some others didn’t like his blunt nature, some to the point of banning him as a troll. I always condemned those actions.

Never knew him personally and only interacted with him via blog comments. It does appear he did some guest blogging over at War on Guns

I will say we will miss him here.

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0 Responses to He Will Be Missed…

  1. Thomas says:

    We emailed back and forth over the years, about since America invented Threepers.

    I never found him at all blunt.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well if its any consolation, I think you’re pretty blunt too, and I think that’s one of your more endearing traits!

      • Thomas says:

        My passed on friend John used to say “Never be afraid to take a punch, because usually it’s just a display on their part and they won’t throw it…but make sure to get in all the punches and kicks you can to emphasize your points.”

        Outside of a couple screwed business relationships, being direct has allowed me to know where I stand with people.

        Fellow in smithy-land that I thought I was friends with, when it came down to brass tacks and I was direct about something his people screwed the pooch on, he decided to end our business relations and mollycoddle his employees that screwed up…even though he was making more out of it than I was, but it shows where people’s loyalties are…feel better, now that I know his true character, to not give any business to him anyway. I’d rather have people want to punch me or avoid me than tell them what they want to hear when I don’t agree with them.

        Reckon you complimented me.


  2. Thomas says:

    Past correspondence:

    “…our concept of freedom and liberty, not exactly the same things, has been so diluted in our modern citizens that they really have no mental capacity to deny their emotional training, at the hands of government, to see clearly what has been lost.

    Even though the intellectual capacity may exist in its raw state, the spirit needed to question oppressive authority is all but dead in a great many of our people. Many of them being too young to remember liberty are not aware that what we now have hasn’t always been so. By the time they gain enough wisdom to listen to their elders, their elders have died, taking with them the ideals of liberty and rugged individualism that made and kept this country great for many many decades. Until modern media simply overwhelmed truth and history. “–Straightarrow


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