If You Listen to the Media

They forecast that the Teaparty and other such organizations will lead to increases in Domestic Right-wing Terrorism

Three hostages — two Discovery Communications employees and a security guard — escaped unhurt after the four-hour standoff Wednesday in Silver Spring, just outside the nation’s capital. After several hours negotiating with the gunman, tactical officers moved in when authorities monitoring him on building security cameras saw him pull out a handgun and point it at a hostage, said Montgomery County Police Chief Thomas Manger.

Yikes, Glad everybody is Ok. Why’d he do this? Was he mad we elected a Black man as President? Did he want the Bush Tax cuts to remain permanent? Was he angry about Maryland’s gun laws? Did he not want European-style socialist healthcare?

It wasn’t the first time Lee, a homeless former Californian, had targeted Discovery’s headquarters. In February 2008, he was charged with disorderly conduct for staging a “Save the Planet Protest.” In court and online, he had demanded an end to Discovery Communications LLC’s shows such as TLC’s “Kate Plus 8” and “19 Kids and Counting.”

Instead, he said, the network should air “programs encouraging human sterilization and infertility.”

“Humans are the most destructive, filthy, pollutive creatures around and are wrecking what’s left of the planet with their false morals and breeding cultures,” Lee wrote in a bitter manifesto on his website.

I’m sure they found a John Birch card in his wallet…..heh, more likely they found some interesting propaganda on his video shelf.

Also why are they so liberal with the term “Gunman”?

“I have several bombs strapped to my body ready to go off. I have a device that if I drop it, if I drop it, it will … explode,” the man told NBC.

He said he built the bombs in about three weeks. “I did a lot of research. I had to experiment,” he said.

It does sound like the bombs were not real, or not functional, as it appears only Mr. Lee died, apparently by his own hand. But what do you think was more of a concern to Police, the gun in his hand or the “Bombs” strapped to his body?

And one final word, its hard for a nut to take an armed hostage hostage….

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0 Responses to If You Listen to the Media

  1. Pingback: Hostage Taker Takeaway : Newbie Shooter

  2. Pat says:

    When the Jack Booted Thugs Start kicking in doors on late night no knock raids of the wrong house and get shot in our homes because they look no different than a burglar w/ the black mask on will we be labeled as domestic terrorist?
    I can hear the spin now.
    Right Wing Terrorist AMBUSHES police.

    Of course they’ll leave out the fact that you were sleeping, did nothing illegal, they had the wrong house, and they busted in and fired first shots on the family yorkie.

    I know off topic but fits the title.

  3. Pingback: crazy is crazy | walls of the city

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