
So Linoge put up a post on Southern Beale’s Bigotry

I hadn’t read her blog in a good while as she was mostly babbling about the oil spill, and talking about “Alternative Energy” (but only as a concept as she doesn’t actually understand how things work) BORING!!!

Still the story Linoge links is amusing, also it appears she’s letting some pro-gun comments through her Reasoned Discourse moderation.

It got me reading her again and I found a Gem!

Tennessee Puts The Hate On-AGAIN
The anti-Muslim haters crawled out from under their rocks to oppose the Rutherford County mosque at a county commission meeting last week. Some of the statements that were made are shocking in their ignorance and intolerance.

She then tosses up some quotes that I’ll agree aren’t becoming. Of course like most “Progressives” she quickly gets more angry and more incoherent and I loose interest. Still first comment is from a classic rube Democommie

Well, I’m fairly certain of how to respond to KKKristians who love JEEBUS and hate everything he supposedly stood for; “fuck off”.

Damn those Conservatives getting their “Hate On”, thankfully we have tolerant “Progressives” out there to be against open hate. Well maybe he’s just a goofy commenter….oh wait she moderates her comments to select only the comments she approves of!

better yet, Ms. Beale doubles-down!

And as far as tolerance goes, I find it very amusing that right wingers tell us liberals we have to offer nothing but peace signs and rainbows and hugs and kisses to everyone otherwise we are hypocrites. They then turn around and call us weak-kneed tree hugging effetes.

You know what? Democommie is right, fuck off. Liberals don’t need to have right wingers tell us what we should believe and how we should behave to be a good liberal. Tolerance is not code for “doormat.”

Ahhhh, Ms. Beale may be nutty, and less-than-bright. Making for long-winded and boring posts. But she really does a good job at exposing the Irony of the “Progressive” tenants.

And of course “Progressive” being simply the modern code-word for “Marxist”.

I’m perfectly tolerant of them, as they tend to police themselves by exposing their own foolishness and bigotry, still I think we all know the dangers of allowing socialists to come to power.

**Side Note**MikeW. also takes advantage of the target-rich environment over at Southern Beale’s.

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0 Responses to Irony

  1. Thomas says:

    If they wish to joyfully march to digging their own graves, we should let them, but we should try to warn the ones that are unaware of the intent of the larger machinery, the ones that aren’t determined on being moronic…

    I’ve got some better skull/cadaver pics, iffin’ ya like, from Africa, but they might screw up some people’s lunches…people who found out what and who they helped a bit too late…

    The useful idiots that think they are “intelligent” are usually the first to get a round in the back of the head after being forced to dig their own grave.

  2. Tennessee Budd says:

    Now & then I go over there to see what lunacy she’s spouting now, & occasionally want to post. Then I remember the old adage about trying to teach a pig to sing, & I go elsewhere…

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah especially with the comment moderation. Its one thing dropping a comment over there to rattle her cage, and show others that they aren’t in an echo chamber. Its another think to spend your time creating comments that will only see the light if they’re seen as non-threatening enough.

      As Thomas says, She’s a useful idiot for the Marxist agenda.

  3. Linoge says:

    *looks at the post title*


    I see what you did there.

    Apparently Ms. Beale should spend a little less time staring into the abyss of her own creation… She is rapidly becoming the monster she loathes.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I believe most of these anti-rights bloggers are exactly what they blog against. Skyewriter censored a blog post opposing censorship, and banned people of opposing views on a post where she complained about how narrow-minded the other side is. Southern Beale is a hate-filled ignoramus who blogs about hate and ignorance. MikeB is a criminal irresponsible gun owner who likely is at least two degrees of separation from murders and gun violence, who blogs about irresponsible gun owners and shared responsibility. Mudrake complains about religious establishments with the zeal and unwavering faith in his political talking points of a devout monk.

      I could go on and on and on.

  4. Patrick says:

    Remember though…. They are the one’s who believe in Freedom of Speech the most right. Liberals don’t believe in censoring…. right?

    I guess Irony is a good title.

  5. Bob S. says:

    Talk about completely off the rails:

    Right now our government has said a bunch of people are potentially terrorists or are involved in terrorist activities and the NRA thinks those people should be allowed to buy guns. I have a problem with that.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      She’s a strong supporter of human rights….so long as they’re the human rights SHE uses. She also supports due process…so long as its her, other’s can “Fuck Off” 🙂

      To quote Strangelove: “Your Commie has no regard for human life”
      -General Jack D. Ripper

  6. Patrick says:

    Absolutely boggles the mind.

  7. mike w. says:

    I absolutely love that she claims she was opposed to the “terrorist watch list” yet she thinks those on said list should be stripped of their 2nd Amendment rights.

    Funny, so it was BAD when Bush was in office, but GOOD now that Obama is using it to deny rights that she doesn’t consider legitimate anyway.

    I could be on a government watch list right now and I wouldn’t have one damn clue.

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