Late To the Party

This post is a total disaster I don’t speak the language, but I can imagine nothing this jerk is saying is going to help anybody but his ego. His shooting is excellent, but why do something that risky when cardboard would do just fine?

Also the last two are REALLY insane. Firing a full-auto AK-47 from the hip in close proximity to a live “Friendly” target? I’ve never heard any professional every recommend hip-firing a gun except in the gravest of circumstances (ie the guy in on top of you and advancing, maybe you can spare a little time on the sighted shot) Transitioning between two “hostile” targets with a live “Friendly” between them is NOT one of those times. Shoulder your weapon and use your sights. And use a cardboard “Friendly” target, because not only do the bad guys move, rather than stand like paces of wood, real-life friendlies will be moving as well, unlike your lobotomized friend.

And the last one? Looks like he was a wizard with the placement of his shot-grouping…but where did the wadding go? Shotshell weddings fly rather erratically, and at that range they CAN kill….with no eye protection Mr. Backstop could be in a world of hurt.

Just don’t do this. If somebody asks you to step down range for a demo, your only response should be “Fuck you!” or if you’re in the military is “Fuck you, Sir!”

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0 Responses to Late To the Party

  1. Tam says:

    It sure is a good thing for his Lovely Assistant that all those pellets were nice and round. A flyer would have really sucked…

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I’m still curious where the wadding landed. We have a range that is slug-only for shotguns, and the erratic nature of that 2nd odd-shaped hole in the cardboard really freaks me out in this scenario.

      But yeah an errant pellet of #00 will ruin the fuck out of your day, especially if it nails you between the running lights!

  2. Reputo says:

    Maybe those politicians who want to change from “Shoot to stop” to “Shoot to wound” would like to take some lessons from this guy.

  3. Paul Kanesky says:

    INSANE !!!
    Paul in Texas

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