Let him know what you think

A brief moratorium on a personal rule of mine. Troll MikeB302000 is thinking about hanging up his blog.

I think we should all break whatever rules we may have set about feeding trolls, and go over and encourage MikeB302000 to do the right thing. You see “Sparky” as we like to call him is a Lying Criminal who hates freedom. He’s also Stupid and has great difficulty telling truth and falsity I also have suspicions that his life as an internet troll as based in mental illness

Still he does have decent taste in movies and music. As for guns and politics, he appears to have reached the end of his rope months and months ago, and now chosen to repeat the same posts over-and-over again with little need for thinking.

So yeah Sparky, your blog sucks, and most people don’t like you. So maybe you should change the format a bit to a subject that doesn’t require as much thinking that you refuse to do.

Yeah, I’m feeding the troll. I still think it would be amusing for his most popular post to be the one where he muses about quitting.

Don’t try to argue with him tho, he is immune to facts and reality, and you’ll find only dishonesty and slander down that road.

But I think he needs support from those of us who rightfully dislike him, and certainly as a troll he’ll appreciate the momentary traffic.

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0 Responses to Let him know what you think

  1. RuffRidr says:

    Unfortunately, I don’t think that he is going anywhere. This is just another of his “Hey, look at me!” posts. Tomorrow he will be happily misapplying statistics yet again or trying to capitalize on some tragedy.

    Although, I wouldn’t mind seeing his blog focus more on movies and music. It seems like more of a natural fit for a blogger who writes solely with feelings and emotions.

  2. Linoge says:

    Sadly, I fear RuffRider is 100% correct – this is nothing more than a continuation of his aforementioned mental illness, in that he thrives on attention, and even he has realized that his mindless reposting of disproven, pointless, and fallacious VCP/Brady Bunch press releases is not getting him nearly the attention he wanted. Couple that with a solid case of ressentiment (i.e. hatred and frustration towards us for simply not accepting his reality as the reality (even though it is belief-based, rather than fact-based) which leads), which leads to a feeling of failing at his mission, which leads to an inferiority complex, which leads back around to the hatred and frustration), and you would have his current post.

    I mean, crap-on-a-crutch – he takes VPC public releases as The TRUTH From God Delivered On The Wings of Angels, and yet when you show him the numbers as I did, and as the Anonymous over there did (who is not me), he simply refuses to read anything past the first sentence, and says as much. That is not a person looking for “discussion”, that is a mindless, sychophantish religious zealot spewing his faith-based nonsense.

    He is absolutely right about one thing, though – if he was honest, the argument would have been over a long time ago.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Oh I 100% agree with both of you! I mean its not like Sparky has ever been able to tell the truth. Still he tells parts of the truth most of the time, and I’m perfectly willing to reward him for expressing his frustration in his own ineptitude.

      Also I was amused that he essentially dismissed your great graph because you used big-words and lots of numbers.

      I wasn’t lying when I said he was stupid!

  3. NightPaws says:

    Blog-a-side for attention? One can only hope, but I’m not going to hold my breath.
    I dated a guy like that once. It was pretty bad. Life consisted of, “I’m angry/sad/angsty/upset/bored/have my panties in a twist because someone looked at me crooked/I failed a test/my parents said something to me/I think my brother is better than me/randomly wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so unless you do XYZ I might not be around when you call tomorrow.” It got old pretty fast.
    Sadly enough, I found the best response to be something along the lines of, “Great! That means I don’t have to listen to you whine tomorrow!” Boy would that ever piss him off, but it was greatly entertaining for me.

    What IS it with people making the internet extra full of drama over the past week? I wish I had an internet thwacking stick I could apply…

    (Yeah this weekend I learned that telling someone to follow the rules and type without abbreviating you and are as u and r is considered racism. That was a new one by me. I am, in a way, sorely disappointed that I didn’t even get to break out all of the old fashioned really racist terms I know, but I thought better of it and didn’t bring myself to that level.)

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Knew a friend who dated a passive-aggressive depressive. She kept pulling that shit all the time, so at one point he reached into the counter pulled out a kitchen knife, and said “Do it on the linoleum, it will be easier to clean” and went out for coffee.

      Needless to say she was still alive when he returned, but their sick relationship was soon over.

  4. Mike w. says:

    MikeB’s post is just a desperate cry for attention from a relentlessly ignorant & bigoted pathological narcissist. He’s trolling for hits, noting more (since his hit counts are down. Just ignore him so he can slide into irrelevancy like others of his I’ll in the blogosphere have done.

  5. Bob S. says:

    Sparky’s true colors show up in his comments

    Thanks for the kind words, Il Principe. I think I will continue. This is too much fun to give up.

    He is doing it for the attention, he is doing it for the links. He thinks slandering innocent people, trying to deprive people of their rights is too much fun to give up!!!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well let’s be honest, Sparky isn’t trying to deprive people of their rights. He’s faking that. He’s simply trying to insult and slander lawful gun owners, and people who want to be able to secure their own safety.

      But yeah, you’ll note that my comment didn’t make it (tho another one I posted did show up) so this was fishing for compliments. Of course just because it didn’t show up, doesn’t mean he didn’t read it!

      • Bob S. says:


        Sorry but I’ll disagree with you. Sparky may be doing this for the attention but that doesn’t mean he isn’t trying to deprive people of their rights also.

        I think that it fits his warped sense of self-importance to try to get rights restricted.

        Some people try to build themselves up by tearing others down — MikeB302000 is a great example of that.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          Could be. I guess the real question is “How Stupid is Sparky?”. Obviously he isn’t a total moron, as he can run a web page, and also set up an interesting false persona of the “Respectful and curious anti”, tho I think anybody who’s talked with him for more than a few days can see that he’s just as vile and angry, as well as zealous as people like JadeGuy and Laci’s Dad.

          But all he does is repeat himself, and attract more pro-gun people, and occasionally a new anti-gun dork. So is he stupid enough to think he’s accomplishing something, or is he smart enough to know this is the best way for somebody of his limited intellect to run a semi-successful blog?

          Obviously we’ve all seen his attempts at novel punditry totally fail and fall on deaf ears. He can’t write an INTERESTING blog post that will attract people. I would assume he’s smart enough to at least see that he can’t get anywhere talking to other socialists, but he can get far being inflammatory to gun owners.

  6. Linoge says:

    Sparky, you, yourself, have admitted that your webpage endorses the abridgement of basic human rights – there is not a whole lot to “get wrong” after that.

    That said, could we possibly get a roadmap to what you consider to be a joke, and what you consider to be a serious post? Because, from my perspective, it distinctly appears as though any time you say anything particularly childish, particularly immature, particularly irrational, particularly damaging to your cause, or particularly without thought, you come back a few days later, proclaim it to be a joke, and engage in pointless ad hominem attacks against your detractors for “not having a sense of humor”.

    It would help if the things you were claiming to be jokes were, in any way, funny.

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