More Anti-Gun Projection

So a post by a famous troll on a less famous troll’s puss-filled weblog (No link, screw them!) This was stated as a course of action:

1. Deny gunloons what they most desire. Guns? Nope. Acceptance. What gunloons really want more than anything is an acceptance of their gunloonery as ‘normal’ or mainstream.

I see this tactic as more anti-gun projection. Generally we see it in the case that anti-rights people tend to have poor judgment, quick tempers, and are often violent.

This is something a little more sad. So Trolly wants to take away the mainstream acceptance of guns, self defense, and the second amendment. A tall order given our recent court victories, and the massive increase in gun sales, as well as the huge growth of female shooters as a demographic.

Meanwhile we have a handful of anti-rights bloggers (in this case its one troll using another’s blog as a soapbox!) and even less in the professonal side

Heck look at these pictures. In Picture one you have about a dozen anti-rights protesters (Breda added for scale) Now put this in prospective: I went behind the protesters and took a picture a dozen anti-rights people being watched like animals in a zoo by about 100 NRA members. There were overall over 70,000 people in that exact area for the NRA convention.

Even more so, except in isolated pockets of the country, our gun culture has been more-or-less uninterrupted since this nation was born (resisting among other things, gun control from the British Crown).

Tam has a great post over at the Arms Room:

Also, these pistols are tangible artifacts of a very different era. They are from a time when, through most of the Western world, there was nothing terrifically unusual about a gentleman owning a small pistol which he could slip into a coat pocket, should he feel the need for a little insurance.

Yep the whole idea of needing a pistol permit or some sort of training to carry a gun for personal protection was a bit of an absurdity not long ago…those times are again returning

I would point out that the anti-rights side is a small and shrinking lot full of people, many of whom are mentally ill who are terrified and hide from the truth and many are violent…and they talk about taking acceptance away from US?

More projection, as they are imagining what they would be like if they had acceptance.

They don’t, and frankly because of all their problems, they likely never will….

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0 Responses to More Anti-Gun Projection

  1. Hah, even the “homemade” protest signs in the dirty anti-RKBA dozen look like astroturf. Far too much alike to be real.

  2. RobertM says:

    Agreed. Good post.

  3. Sailorcurt says:

    What’s interesting is that the only reason we seek “acceptance” is not so we can feel “normal” per se…but to ensure that the majority supports our right to live our lives as we see fit.

    I personally couldn’t care less whether anyone “accepts” my decision to carry the most effective tool for self defense. I don’t care if anyone else in the world considers me “normal”. All I care about is that they leave me alone to practice my “abnormal” lifestyle in whatever way I see fit.

    That’s the difference between us and them. We aren’t trying to legislate the way they should live their lives.

    Don’t want me in your face while defending my rights? Quit trying to take them away. Problem solved.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Very good point, Curt. I started supporting gun rights and personal defense because its the right thing to do. We can only assume that the new-found ground swell (which is really just the end of the anti-gun blip in American History) is more people are finding out their rallying cries are lies (A gun in the home is 24x more likely to kill a family member? Defensive Gun Uses are Rare? There is no legal use for an “Assault Weapon”? “Assault Weapons” are Machine Guns?) Its frankly the only logical solution.

      But I agree. Hell I’m a supporter of Gay marriage, which as far as polling and election results is wildly unpopular…hell even our President who campaigned on a gay rights platform hates the gays. Just because gay rights are unpopular these days does not mean I’m going to stop supporting the right thing to do. If I can get others to support me, good. If I have to go-it-alone, so be it.

      Hell just look at the anti-rights bigots. They continue to go it alone, even when they find “friends”, because of their certain social difficulties…

  4. Thomas says:

    But firearms ownership is and always has been COMMON and is ALREADY ACCEPTED.
    What’s a gun loon anyway?

    People like me with outside of mainstream firearms interests?

    I’m curious where the line is?

    What do you have to do to be called loony? I mean Carol at JGS has called me a loony more than once for what reamers I’ve ordered for pistol projects, but I don’t think she really thinks I’m a loon, just an odd duck.

    I’m intrigued.

    Is it just having an interest in firearms and self-defense? Seems pretty normal to me.

    I live near-ish a city with a lot of “alternative lifestyle” people, but I don’t call them “drug loons” or “sex loons” or “Politically retarded, uneducated, economically confused lunatics trying to destroy Texas and America.” Well, maybe that last one sometimes, but I don’t shout it from the mountaintops.

    What do we have to do to qualify for our Gun Loon Merit Badge?

  5. mike w. says:

    Dude you are so screwed now. You posted a pic of Breda’s butt!

    Don’t post that pic you got of her in her bathingsuit or you’ll get the deathstare for sure! ๐Ÿ™‚ ….

  6. Linoge says:

    Once again, I feel I must thank the anti-rights nuts of America.

    It is true. I do want naturally-granted, Constitutionally-protected, Supreme-Court-recognized, societally-supported rights to be normalized. I do want them to be accepted. I do want them to be mainstream.

    And they, apparently, do not.

    I can do no more damning damage to their “cause” (whatever they might claim it to be) than simply pointing that out whenever the opportunity presents itself. And for that, I am thankful.

    Honestly, though, I feel kind of sorry for the anti-rights nuts out there… the writing on the wall is plain for even the most egregiously idiotic amongst them to catch on, so they lash out even harder, even louder, and even more stupidly. They are kind of like the dinosaurs of old on Earth, watching the increasingly bright light of the Chicxulub getting closer and closer (if that was, indeed, the guilty asteroid), and not being able to do a damned thing about it.

    Must suck.

  7. Pingback: Weer'd World ยป Gun Rights “Acceptance”

  8. RuffRidr says:

    Another stated course of action from the blog: 3. Ridicule is your friend.

    I really hope that they try this on a larger scale. I really do. Nothing will dry up what remaining support they have any quicker than doing something like this. Nobody likes a bully. It is not surprising that JadeGold would suggest this tactic. He is a sociopath who has been making personal attacks on forum posters and then subsequently stalking them (and their spouses) on the internet for many, many years now. Does he really think it has gained him any support at all, however? It probably fills some kind of sick need of his, but that is about it.

  9. Dev says:

    I really like the “outside looking in” and “inside looking out” NRA convention photos you show of the protest. More objective photos plz. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Thanks, It was just a passing idea I had while watching the protest and I saw people walking behind the protesters just getting from point A-to-B, and I thought it might be a neat shot.

      Also if you know fragments of body parts you can make out several famous bloggers in the crowd!

  10. Pingback: taking the ball and running with it | walls of the city

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